Since you asked....
I would not have replied to this thread if not invited to do so... And this post will be drowned out in a matter of days anyway...
I see both sides of this debate;
In todays age of wants and needs being as they are, server space, upkeep and upgrading is not a small investment for a site that is capable of handling the needs of its patrons. I know first hand the amount of work involved in maintaining a website, but not one of this magnitude.
I also understand the need for corporate moguls to address the bottom line to their own pocket-books & their shareholders. In todays age of dimenishing profits, especialy in printed media, more and more diversified forms of revenue are required. Hence we find ourselves at this juncture.
I know this:
I had a subscription to Snow West for a few years. I let it, as well as all my other subsriptions, lapse. I found the info to be too manufacturer oriented. With very little in the way of certain technological information I look for, I didn't find much value in it. I didn't write a letter threatening to cancel my subscription unless they change, I simply ignored the renewal notices... That was my message.
I do not buy new sleds; cant justify the cost when I do not ride that much, being as snow fall in my region has been less than stellar over the last few years and the efficiency of the new sleds is not where it should or needs to be... Not to mention it is just not my style or in my pocket-books capabilities... but that is a discussion for another time.
I found a long time ago that online forums, such as this, are a much better source to get the information I need, when I need it. Also forums in general are generaly loaded with accomodating and helpfull people with way more real world experience than the most seasoned Mag writers... it is about the community! That is the perspective that should prevail! Especialy to said Moguls...
It will be interesting to see what happens to that community after this becomes a "pay-2-play" entity.
I fear a great number of the most seasoned and knowledgable persons in the field may go away. Not because of perhaps their standing on the issue of "2 Pay, or not 2 Pay" but because they are themselves, being the knowledge holders, are on these forums as a giving grace of that knowledge. So why should they pay to help others when, at times, all they get is grief for their efforts?
That being said, I, personaly, can not say, out of faith, that I can be begrudging of having to pay for something I find a given value for. As it stands now, I do not use this site enough, as my post count indicates, to warrant paying for its useage.
That may very well change in the near future. So I do not say "good-bye", but perhaps "See-ya later".
Keep the focus, also, that this is a web forum and their is WAY more to life than letting the little things get to you. From reading through the posts I see many who feel that this forum is a great value to them in regard to snowmobiling and in personal reationships. Perhaps, one day, that will be the case for me also. To them the value is imeasurable... Beauty, after all, is in the eye of the beholder. Also, each has his own percieved value of said beauty.
Love and Peace be with all of you!