A trip to remember..
I cant believe its already been a week today since we were riding. I had a great time except for the bad food that made me sick for our sunday ride. That is the worst I have ever felt and actually made myself function.
BC- thanks for the meds. Improves nausea as advertised. Haydays..?
Slim and SnoJoe- It was great to see you guys again, thanks for the delicious buffalo burgers, Corona and hospitality.
Ralph- I didn't get to talk with you much, but thanks for guiding us around your back yard and taking us to places where we could all challenge riding skills. Your an awsome rider. I'll grab you a beer next time out...
Kev- You were all over the place... where's kev? Up there, over there, down there, climbing that, stuck, helping somone get unstuck, turing a tree into a sledgehammer, helping to fix a sled. Riding slims xp like a rental.
Doors4u- It was fun watching you jump that IQr of yours. I need to keep working on mine, I'm pritty sure I didn't have the distance you did.
Rob and Megan- Looks like we are the reigning beer pong champs following our come from behind victory, some times a guy needs a few drinks to find his range

. You couldn't hear me, but I was laughing my *** off when you went off on weather or not a person should use thier mountain bar when riding... Megan..thanks for the water it was much needed. It's too bad neither one of us won that monster 6-5-4 pot after our tie.
Tammy and Allen- 6-5-4 was alot of fun. Thanks for helping me get unstuck that first day I tried my best to use that tree for traction but no luck. I hope you are having fun riding this week.
Noodles- aka. energizer bunny- It was cool watching you ride your 2moto set-up all over satuday. Many of us were impressed by where you were able to put that thing, plus you made it look easy. Sunday I actually thought to myself (is he going to run out of gas?). I also think you would be happy with an M8 for your next sled especially after watching the way you like side hill and carve.
Randy- Not sure if you are on here but, dude you can ride! Plus you had me crackin up all day!
HOBBES- Way to break in that 860 by putting her upside down 1st time up the hill

. You better lock that thing up before BC figures out a way to get his paws on it.
Stacy- great job, you are a pro. Also props for spending 5 days traveling with 3 guys who acted like sophomores. Hope to see you and Al this summer.
Brock- Thanks asking me to come on this trip, I had the time of my life. "Do you want that tea in a glass?" Ha ha ha!
Thanks again to everyone it was great to meet all of you! I cant wait till next year!