WhooHooo! Great times in Big Wonderful Wyo, I won't miss this one again!
Took five hours to make a 2.5 hour trip in a blizzard to get home in MT, but at least I'm not stuck in the middle of North Dakota!
Huge thanks to Ralphy for the guide service, I'd follow ya anywhere man(almost

). And to you and Randal for getting me out of that little chute, my only stuck of the weekend.
Thanks to Kev for the great times, great laughs, and great converstation. It was nice to chat w/ you and Hannah Wyoming. Make sure to put me on the invite list for the wedding; and let me know if you need some help getting "that" convo started! BTW- the WYO shots weren't THAT bad! (they weren't good by any means either).
Jo & Slim- thanks for the invite, hospitality; and for just being all around great peeps! It was an absolute pleasure to hang w/ you both again! Now that I know what it's like down there, you will see me again. And again. And again.
Bomber & Meagan- Great seeing you again Rob! And great to meet Meagan! Hopefully we'll meet up in your area for a great ride next year!
Tammy, Alan, and Noodles- Great partying w/ you guys again(even if you don't remember me from haydays). Hope we can do it again sometime soon! Noodles, let me know when you want this M8; price is dropping daily!
Rest of the Crew- Jason, Ben, Doors, Chad Who and the rest of the names I forgot. Thanks for making a great trip even better. Sorry bout the names, I'm terrible w/ them! But definately enjoyed the trip!
My Crew- Brock, Al, Gabe. Thanks again guys, you know there's no one I'd rather make any of these trips with! Gabe, let me know next time you get sick; Dr. BC to the rescue! Stacey, you rock girl! Only three trips to the mountains and you can already outride Hobbes! Great to get to know you better and hope to see you soon! Please be nice to my new sled!

Brock, I appreciate you dinging up the ribs on the first day out so I didn't feel alone with my injury's!
Now on to the injury list:
1. Brock- ribs, both wrists, and possibly a head injury.

It was still a sick climb buddy!
2. Chad Who-ribs, I missed that one.
3. Slim- Arm, after the angry bee bit him. Was looking to be a sweet climb!

4. Hobbes- I've never seen a sled ghost ride that far and not hit a damn thing. You dude, are LUCKY!
The SHR and Terra Alps Doo 860's. (hehehehehehe)
All in all a great time had by all. Be aware: I'll be back healthy next year kids!
Pics to come soon, can't find the damn cord for my camera!