I feel like a lot of people don't understand turbos who are bagging on this application. First, off, it's incredible to see on a stock 2 stroker. Seems not too long ago, everyone, and I mean everyone (probably the same complainers) were saying 2 stroke and pump gas was impossible. Possible. Now, those saying 40HP is nothing...it's not just 40 HP, but 40 turbo added HP. Turbos have an incredible ability to maintain RPM and not shoot up and down in power/rpms while pulling because they have stored energy in the form of pressurized air...is almost like a large flywheel to keep things going the same speed. What's that mean? When the track hits a firm spot in deep powder, it keeps track speed (doesn't slow down) and rips you through it. When it can crawl up in track speed, it does. Is one reason turbos work so well in consistent loading applications (diesel towing, airplanes, sled). That consistent, big power HP maintains. And that 40HP is not finicky power on a small bubble...it is broad and maintains. This is awesome. "Pump gas turbo on a 2 stroke will never work" Quote: Lots of guys on SW 10 years ago. Wrong.