Seriously??? $200-250 is too much for a course??? If you can't afford that, how can you afford a becon... or better yet a sled and fuel, gear, helmet etc?
The cost of the courses isn't the limiting factor in getting educated... it is lack of motivation to take the course... get people motivated (by not letting the purchase a new mountain sled until they are certified or not letting them on the hill without safety gear)
The scary thing is that in our litigious society, someone will try to sue the local sledding society after an accident saying that it was their responsibility to make sure the riders using their trail/riding area weren't warned of the safety needs that were required up on the hill... mark my words that this is going to happen one day!
RIP!I hate hearing these! Please ride safe and make these threads stop!!!
my crew just took an avy course and I believe it saved our lives yesterday. take it and use it, hopefully you don't need the search part but it did come in handy yesterday on owlshead. TAKE THE COURSE!!!