First the lecture, even if its late. Wear gloves when handling around sharp objects. Said this more than once to my guys, only one almost cut his hand off and guess what? He wasn't wearing gloves!!!! BTW, dearskin is 5X more abrasion resistant and almost 2.5X more cut resistant ant 1000X times more comfortable than leather. (the last was my input, the other is documented). And those hightech kevlar gloves are way more cut resistant, but generally not all that comfortable. Yeah, I realixe that "It;s only going to take a moment! But it doesn't.
That said, I feel for ya. Last year on Feb. 25th, I slipped on ice in my drive, bumped my head, and ended up with brain surgery that put me out of riding for the best winter in 30 years!!! But I'm going to make up for it this year.
May you heal fast and strong.
That said, I feel for ya. Last year on Feb. 25th, I slipped on ice in my drive, bumped my head, and ended up with brain surgery that put me out of riding for the best winter in 30 years!!! But I'm going to make up for it this year.
May you heal fast and strong.
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