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Riding in the little belts--thread retired

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When was the last time you guys rode the Benchmark/Wood Lake area? If my memory is correct, according to the latest ROD, it is all closed to snowmobiles now unless you ride the road up and back. Goodbye to Renshaw Lake, Fairview Creek and Fairview Mountain plus others. I think most of the motorcycle trails are also closed. I noticed that the FS took the maps off their website so you have to go to the office and buy one.

I don’t want to get on a rant but that is a very sore spot for me. I can’t find my old maps of the proposals/alternates during the comment period but according to “Spike”, our glorious Regional Forest Supervisor that loves the MWA, he chose most of Alt 4 in his ROD. I should also thank our so-called MSA reps, Allan Brown and Jim Paris for giving away the Rocky Mt Front in the Lewis and Clark Forest during their “negotiations” with MWA and FS on the Lincoln/Helena National Forest. This is one of the things that caused the shakeup and reorganization of MSA a few years ago to get people that Fight for our riding areas not “negotiate” them away. I hope all of you wrote comments on those proposals. They kept it so secret that most people didn’t even know it was going on at the time. Whoops I said I wouldn’t rant.

If you can still ride there please let me know and I’ll go.
Fuzz, I never even knew you could ride up there. The area I am thinking would be around Wood Lake. I am not sure where Renshaw Lake is realative to Wood Lake. I believe we would be on the backside of sawtooth mountain.
My first trip up there was with my brother-in-law and Ron Miller and couple of other guys that rode their motorcycles there in the summer. Renshaw Lake is Northeast of Benchmark. If I recall, the trailhead is near the end of the road and kinda across the road east of the airstrip. Fairview Creek joins Renshaw Creek up a ways to the lake or you can split off to the right to Fairview Mt. Yeh, most people dont know you could ride up there and you need some good snow to get in. It’s a late winter/early spring ride. Tried to go in a few years ago but the snow was so bad you couldnt even get to the trail.



XXL - What's your guys forecast for around Clyde Park and Wilsall? Rode there Saturday and it kicked azz! Left Lewistown at 8:45 and got back at 2a.m. :eek: We met Mark Hoffman and he let me ride next year's CMX 800 EFI Turbo. :D Had a blast, but I broke open my can so I rode without my side panel all day, it was strapped to the back, and I lost it.

So if anyone's up in the Crazies and finds a gray with blue graphics right hand side panel for a 900 RMK, let me know and I'll hit ya up with a $20 for returning it.

Thanx to anyone who might come across it. Should be up past the turn off towards Trespass. Maybe up in the big play bowls or just past that turn off, close to the trail.
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Not near as good as Neihart is it?

Say there isn't a thread for the Crazies is there?
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Anyone make it up to the hill yet?? Looking at showdown webcam, looks like we got more snow in GFs then up there. :confused:
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I am up on Gore Hill and I am buried. My Truck is stuck and needs chains. The only transportation is my sled and I have been having a ball. Poor Me. LOL!!
I am up on Gore Hill and I am buried. My Truck is stuck and needs chains. The only transportation is my sled and I have been having a ball. Poor Me. LOL!!

I grew up on Gore Hill....might have to make a trip as kings hill doesn't look like it got much.
Team skooby
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C'mon up. HPS can should be here any minute. Hi-torque rollers for the secondary are here. Rooster Built clutch kit is next on my agenda. Probably put a 19T top gear in this summer also. Can't wait to dance with the Dragon!! LOL
black summit you better take alot of dance lesson if you what to dance with the dragon::eek:beer;:)team DRAGON:p
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This ain't gonna be no slow dance!! Maybe you can give me the lessons but keep them short so I can see then in my rear view mirror.

How do you guys get those smiley faces in your replies? They don't show up when I use the quick reply. Help please.
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