Last year in IP we were riding in the Keg springs area in Island Park. down in the creek bed. NO WAY this was sliding. Not steep at all. It was blistered with thick trees and we were just boondocking playing in the trees, staying off the big hills. I was watching my buddy turn around as he was hit by an avy that broke loose 200 yards above him. We had no clue until the snow was on top of him. He was lucky when the slide stopped he was buried to his neck. We all had beacons on and were ready to respond if we had to. What I am trying to say is Avys happen everywhere. If you dont have a beacon dont head to the hills. And dont tell me that you can ride a 5,000.00 sled and not own a $300.00 beacon. If you ride without a beacon I hope you kiss your family before you leave. You needs new riding partners.