That would be one excellent example of rationalization.
bold typer guy...
I'm not buying the more than one color deal at all... Maybe I should start a thread talking about why no one should buy KLIM pants until they make tall size pants in
Lime green
Then no one would buy any more black ones???
I just talked to a wonderful lady today who can fix my problem with her scissors and sewing machine. It pains me to do it but that's the only way it'll get done right...
It's been bitched about for at least 4 years and you charge way to much for all the gear I've bought from you for me to believe for one second it can't be done at a profit, over a thousand dollars spent by myself alone since I became a customer... jeeezsch
the preceding was my opinion alone and may not represent the opinions of those who are sponsored by or stand to gain or lose financially by agreeing with it due to any affects it may have on the sales bottom's snowest after all, the truth can get in the way of the advertising pretty quickly... Just my tall azz opinion of course..