Sled is running OK, no burble, cough, etc. Just doesn't seem to be getting rpms. It idles a little bit low in cold temps, but I think that is pretty normal. Sometimes I wonder if the update affected mine adversely, as I never really had a problem with it before the update. Sounds like the clutching set-up outlined in this thread works well with solid running sleds anyways, so I will give it a shot. My gut is that it is clutching, since I can achieve about 8000 rpms plus or minus 50 on level hardpack snow. I just know that when I can get it to run around 8350 there is a huge difference.
you might run the sled back into the dealer..have them check the tps settings with a multimeter instead of with digital wrench(way more acurite and the setting is critical)the tps really makes a difference on how the sled runs..and most dealers wont take the time to do it right with the multimeter..(carls cycle checks and sets every sled on the predelievery inspection..and have very few runability issues with their sleds)sounds to me like it is rich up top(thats why on hardpack it pulls rpm..motor is seeing less load)...