The reason that all this is true is because nobody will ball up and contest it in court. Where do you think all this started in the first place? Someone decided that they were being picked on and filed a law suit. A law will stay in place as long as nobody contests it, but when someone does it changes. I'm in a business law class right now and we deal alot with this stuff and some of the laws that are in place would amaze you because they make no sense what so ever but nobody has fought it so it stays. All the white middle-class people need to just start filing suits and it will change.
Don't take this personally, but what we do not need is more law suits. The court system is over loaded with frivolous crap as it is. What is needed is a common sense approach to law making in the country. Our founding fathers of this great nation did not invision the current political and legal landscape that we have now. The Mess that we have now is due to lazy career polititions that only care about their pork projects and the legacy of thier term in office. The republic that was created was to be led by volinteer represenitives and senators that would only meet once a year and make the laws. Then they would return home to thier jobs and businesses.