cost more cause small home based operations pay much more for materials than some factory in China.....Now, I have finally seen the cheaper jack, side by side with the High-Jacker and the differences are, on the less expensive jack, the pole is a hollow standard aluminum pipe, it bends easily and stays bent, the pole on the High-Jacker is a solid, aircraft grade piece of aluminum stock, I saw Bill lay one end on the floor and the other on his footwell and stand on the pole, it really will bend quite a ways and spring right back to straight...the other main difference, the mechanism is all metal on the cheaper jack while the High-Jacker has the body of the mechanism made of a tough plastic type stuff, what this means is that ice will completely encase an all aluminum array...pole, springs and release lever will all be in a chunk of ice, including the mounting hole...on the High-jacker the ice may stick to the springs and pole some but not to the plastic body of the not underestimate how tough ice can be to remove while your sitting in a gully, in a blizzard at the end of the day...third difference is the base plate...High-jacker is a bit larger and much stronger as it has added bends in the metal for strength...the other is just a square piece of alum. maybe 8x8x1/8 thick... High-jacker comes with strong,nylon straps, the other with a cheap,red plastic ya get what ya pay for and good luck to both.