You want to point fingers, start with the totally screwed up expectations most of our labor unions have worked so diligently to put into place and forced on us........for our own good of course. God help the poor employer who would expect all employees to give their best and if that trade isn't their calling, move on. No, once they're hired they gotta stay cause of their rights. Now, if they totally screw up or are just lazy....well, we gotta give em another 20 or so friggen chances or move em around and inflict them on a productive section so their shortcomings can be hidden by the extra effort of good employees. And god forbid, they are a minority or their daddy or mommie touched their peepees when they were little, or marital stress (sort of can't imagine marrige without it LOL )....well, now they should get some down time, counselling and light duty, full pay of course.
Now , lets try and figure out why they and so many other "for profit companies " ...their profit that means, are moving to less restricted areas....gosh, hard to figure.
And before you start, I already know...the loudest responders will probably be the shop steward types or the bleeding heart types who think there should be no losers and we're all winners everytime etc (barf) etc (puke)..
Well spare me, been there , seen that, doesn't work, won't work tomorrow.