monte; not sure you're so far off topic.
But my take is you and MH missed something. It was mentioned, but its meaning was not explained in full.
Co's/shareholders; I guess we've all built ourselves into a corner here. A guy starting a business with knowledge/ideas will have a hard time getting things up and running, while a major corporation have financial muscles to set up what they want.
Yes, they to must hit a market/have an idea, but the little guy starting up fresh may be tripped over so many things related to THE WORLD OF BUSINESS. Not his product/skills.
Down the line this gives you co's and shareholders doing things for profit only, starting up new companies to make money on the latest and greatest. They dont give a hoot about products one way or another.
I guess there are exceptions, but think about wall street!? All those stocks bought and sold, why? Passion for a product or $$$?
THOSE guys make $$$!! And what do they produce.....
But my take is you and MH missed something. It was mentioned, but its meaning was not explained in full.
Co's/shareholders; I guess we've all built ourselves into a corner here. A guy starting a business with knowledge/ideas will have a hard time getting things up and running, while a major corporation have financial muscles to set up what they want.
Yes, they to must hit a market/have an idea, but the little guy starting up fresh may be tripped over so many things related to THE WORLD OF BUSINESS. Not his product/skills.
Down the line this gives you co's and shareholders doing things for profit only, starting up new companies to make money on the latest and greatest. They dont give a hoot about products one way or another.
I guess there are exceptions, but think about wall street!? All those stocks bought and sold, why? Passion for a product or $$$?
THOSE guys make $$$!! And what do they produce.....