Yeah, there are quite a few write ups on the purchase.
Here is a quick one. I was just pointing out that Polaris already has overseas interest. I believe they still have some stock in KTM as well.
Hey Reg2view, I refuse to shop at WalMart.
I bet it has been 8 years or more. Lol
You do make some very good points. However,
I dissagree strongly with CEO wages among many of the nations larger companies. Not that I don't believe people should be allowed to make a good wage, but there are limits. There comes a point where that wage is nothing more than taking advantage of your customer. There is fair and there is stealing, cheating, call it whatever you like.
It would take me at least 20 years to even come close to making 1 mill. We are simply paying way to much for their products. I'm under the belief that even the best most talented individuals could live a very luxurious lifestyle making $500,000 per year without taking advantage of those around them or doing business with them.
When Wells Fargo was bailed and commissioned to help the general homeowner, what happened. While foreclosures were at an all time high the CEO gave himself a 9 million dollar raise. He made 18.5 mill last year.
Both the CEO and President of Polaris made over 1.5 mill just in base salary each. Enough to have
properly taken care of all the faulty sleds over the last 3 years themselves. Many of which still do not function properly. That is stealing!
Sorry to be off topic, and this is
just my opinion, but I don't see how these types of people deserve their wages. They are not earning it, they are just simply taking. It is GREED. I'm just to idealistic. I keep thinking I'm going to wake up one day and people are going be good to one another. I keep thinking that they will treat others as they wish to be treated and people will start to do the right thing. In reality I know this will never happen, in fact I see us getting worse every year. We will push the person next to us into moving traffic if we can take his penny. We have become such a self centered society that other people no longer matter. Only the almighty dollar and most are willing to do what ever it takes to get more. Even if it means taking advantage of our own brother. Uhg, now I'm depressed. Sorry.