soldiers are not regular people and should not be classified as the same. It's human nature to make mistakes and while they should be held accountable for their mistakes, soldiers should NOT be scared to protect themselves which is what is happening because of the media that wants to make the war look bad. It happens all the dont hear about the soldier that saved a mother and a baby from a burning taxi after an IED hit, you hear about the soldier that killed 4 and wounded 2. That's all it says to, just numbers...killed 4 wounded 2. They forget to mention that out of the 4 that were killed one was running at him with a grenade yelling allah akbar, 2 had AKs that were spraying rounds towards him, and the the last guy had an RPG ready to fire at his buddies truck. the 2 that were wounded were wounded by the blast of the said IED that went off to start this whole ****ed up ambush.
don't ever compare a soldier with regular people....there is no comparison. Don't get me wrong either. I'm not saying soldiers are better an any way. We do however go through more intense training on how to handle situations such as the one stated above. We train hours on end until its muscle memory and we can do it without thought.
Yes we are human, yes we make mistakes