Ok, I see your point, but lets look at a realistic hypothetical situation.Iran gets close to having a nuclear arsenal. They start threatening Israel, making demands and threatening to blow them off the face of the earth.Israel decides that it cannot any longer take the risk of Iran getting nuclear weapons, and goes in and invades Iran.The rest of the nutjob muslim countries join in on the side of Iran. So it is now Israel and the U.S fighting 2 million troops.
Present military scenario:
We have the technology to employ battlefield multiplyers. Meaning we can out gun 2 million or their troops with lets say 50,000 people on our side by using drones, fighter air cover, intelligent tanks, smart bombs, etc. Most of our people can kill the enemy without a direct line of sight. The enemy has to see us to kill us.
Ruffyrider military scenario:
The US has 1950's era tanks, machine guns, mortars, land mines, all line of sight technology.Through lack of technology, we need 1.5 million troops to battle the enemy. The local draft board calls Ruffyrider "We need you over in Iran ASAFP"Ruffyrider has a great liklihood that he will be casualty of war, either injured or killed. But wait, there will be 100's of thousands more just like Ruffyrider.
Now, which scenario would you like to be a part of? Ruffy Rider's army or the present military scenario?
Sweet, I get my own army? That would be so much cooler than Company of Heroes....
On a serious note though, I am not saying to use old technology, all I am stating is that the ever increasing need for better technology weapons will never stop. You will never have good enough weapons, as both sides change and upgrade, hense why I called it self-defeating.
Thanks for giving me a high probability of death in your make believe situation. If you call that realistic..... I don't know...it just wasn't.