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Obama's birth questioned again.



Mar 16, 2004
I'm no expert on Constitutional law, I don't think it works that way. If Obama and Biden were both killed at the same time she would be president. If Just Obama was gone, Biden would be President and he would pick a V.P. and the hag would stay where she is.

However, if the Obama ticket was unconstitutional, wouldn't that toss Biden also since he was part of the illigal ticket??

Also, would he dare try to stay in office after it is discovered that he either knew or should have known Obama wasn't eligible?

The more I think about it, the more I hope he is found to be ineligible.
Would light off a firestorm that would change the country.
Dec 19, 2007
Surrounded by Dumbacrat's
Definately stay on top of it, your the answer man and I like to read about all the findings you get on this political jargon. Not much of a political man myself but it's nice to know this stuff.. Like the thread about the Difference in COmpensation.. thats a good to know info thread and it really pisses me off. I hope something turns around here really quick, my Uncle James (a long time carpenter with his own business and has been doing VERY well the past 15 years in South Dakota) called me yesterday evening to ask If I knew where any work was down my way.. he had to lay off 15 of his 25 employees and cut wages just to keep his business afloat. He's considered dipping into his retirement just to make sure his remaining employees stay afloat and are able to feed their families. This really makes me sad cause he's always been a well off man and always had work all over the US, and now he's calling me to ask if I know where he can dig up a contract to build or remodel something, ANYTHING! is how he put it... hope something changes very soon...

:rolleyes: Tell you uncle to stick it out because its only happening to him, The Whitehouse says there is green shoots of recovery everywhere :face-icon-small-sad
Nov 26, 2007
Actually, I think that is not what would happen.
Since Obama was never eligible to be president, I believe both him and his running mate would be removed.
this will make you sick, but.............
Palosi would assend to the office of the president till a new election could be held.

The big question would be,
since Obama can't be president then anything he did as president would also be unconstitutional. Therefor any legislation he put forward or signed would also be unconstitutional. There fore, any court appointees, and cabinet positions, all legislation, everything would be tossed.

I don't believe that would be the case... they won't re-do the election or have a run-off or anything... they remove obama and it would be just like nixon leaving or kennedy gettin shot... they won't remove the entire ticket, I don't believe they would have legal precedent to do that...
Nov 26, 2007
The house and senate are still run by the dems, so pretty much nothing would change, however.....
I don't know about the borrowing and stuff like that.

All these constitutional questions are why I think both parties will do what ever they can to bury this thing. It will make both parties look bad and destroy the countries faith (even more) in the integrity of any elected official.

I would LOVE to see solid proof, if for nothing else than it will be fun to see how the politicians handle it.

Will the Republicans come out swinging and demand all Dems on their election commision resign for committing fraud on the american people and breaching the constitution or do the republicans put out a statement that mistakes happen.

This thing ain't over yet.

all the borrowing and stuff was approved by congress, nothing would change in that time frame...

I still think this is a poor tactic for conservatives to take, it makes them look even more like a bunch of whiny losers... Sore/Losermann... ya, right...

and btw - i didn't vote for the guy and I think he's f-n up in reverse, but cmon...


Mar 16, 2004
I don't believe that would be the case... they won't re-do the election or have a run-off or anything... they remove obama and it would be just like nixon leaving or kennedy gettin shot... they won't remove the entire ticket, I don't believe they would have legal precedent to do that...

But in the case of both nixon and kennedy they were duely elected officials.
If it is found that Obama is constitutionally inelible to be president, that would be an entirely different case and one that has never come up before.

Also, it isn't the Republican party that is pushing this, it should be, but it isn't.
It is a constitutional question that the dems and Obama refuse to look at. The media is doing their best to ignore it and the only reason any courts are looking at it is because it is an issue that is growing ever larger as time passes.
Nov 26, 2007
But in the case of both nixon and kennedy they were duely elected officials.
If it is found that Obama is constitutionally inelible to be president, that would be an entirely different case and one that has never come up before.

Also, it isn't the Republican party that is pushing this, it should be, but it isn't.
It is a constitutional question that the dems and Obama refuse to look at. The media is doing their best to ignore it and the only reason any courts are looking at it is because it is an issue that is growing ever larger as time passes.

actually, i'd say no it shouldn't be... the republicans have a big enough branding issue on their hands with the fallout created by the mostly democratic ways in which they spent money over the past 8 yrs... tacking on this sore loser stuff will make things worse...

as for obama being ineligible, I don't believe it changes any of the presidential succession... he will be removed and the country will move on from there... they won't toss biden and hand things over to mccain/palin and its ridiculous to think that would happen... they won't undo any of obamas laws or policies that he signed off on... as far as the govt is concerned, obama has been sworn into office and IS the president whether legit or not... this argument is a loser for the republicans... unless they can actually WIN, but I don't see it happening, ever.....


Mar 16, 2004
as for obama being ineligible, I don't believe it changes any of the presidential succession... he will be removed and the country will move on from there... they won't toss biden and hand things over to mccain/palin and its ridiculous to think that would happen... they won't undo any of obamas laws or policies that he signed off on... as far as the govt is concerned, obama has been sworn into office and IS the president whether legit or not... this argument is a loser for the republicans... unless they can actually WIN, but I don't see it happening, ever.....

I never said they would hand the election over to anyone.
I said they could very well toss both obama and biden since they would both be seen as running on an illigal ticket, hand the presidency over to Palosi (third in line according to the constitution) until new elections could be done.

they would have to undo all of Obama's nominations since it was illigal for him to make them in the first place. Any executive order would likewise be constitutionally illigal.

Also, this is a subject that has never come up. It was considered to be impossible that it ever would come up.
Guess not.
Jan 2, 2008
If the obama ticket were removed and all associated with it, I see a total federal meltdown and military law enacted

no one touched on "civil unrest" part of it.

makes me glad of Montana making the case for state sovernty

peeps would freak, would be an interesting time we live in eh?
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Nov 26, 2007
I never said they would hand the election over to anyone.
I said they could very well toss both obama and biden since they would both be seen as running on an illigal ticket, hand the presidency over to Palosi (third in line according to the constitution) until new elections could be done.

they would have to undo all of Obama's nominations since it was illigal for him to make them in the first place. Any executive order would likewise be constitutionally illigal.

Also, this is a subject that has never come up. It was considered to be impossible that it ever would come up.
Guess not.

I just don't see biden being expelled for that, regardless of what obama does/did... his nominations will stand... his executive orders will stand... could they be reversed? yes, but it would be by congress to enact new laws over-riding the obama laws... the new president would appoint his own people, so effectively they would get replaced, but they won't be kicked out because obama was illegitimate...

I got into this discussion with a couple atty's i know back when it first came up, they also didn't believe they could remove the whole ticket... I get what you're saying, and wish it would happen, but I don't think it would...


Mar 16, 2004
If the obama ticket were removed and all associated with it, I see a total federal meltdown and military law enacted

no one touched on "civil unrest" part of it.

makes me glad of Montana making the case for state sovernty

peeps would freak, would be an interesting time we live in eh?

I don't see a melt down since it would only affect the white house and there is already a successor in place, so there would never be a vaccum.

I do see civil unrest by those that support Obama, but that part I would openly welcome.
Cull the herd as it were.
Jan 2, 2008
It would cause total chaos with anything federal, which these days is almost everything.

budgets in question, monies frozen, power grabs from all agencys.

ya, the more I think about it the more I see a total implosion if obamas admin were suddenly yanked.

BUT, it could be a slow thing..kill his executive powers, freeze all pending leglisation and start a slow reversal of everything done. Congress could enact a commitee of the presidency to take control of obamas duties.

Since he "was" presumably illegally elected there is no precidence set, the natural succession of power is negated so anything could happen really.

I'd be glued to fox if that happend, so would the world for that matter.
Nov 26, 2007
Everett, Wa.
In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.) (This clause in parentheses has been modified by the 20th and 25th Amendments.)

the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.) (This clause in parentheses has been modified by the 20th and 25th Amendments.)

Apparantly if Congress removes the president they have the power to decide if the vp is also removed and also have the power to declare the officer to act as president. Interesting additions under the 20th and 25th amendments. Swampy


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Jul 9, 2001
Sore losers? Maybe they just don't want to get into the habit of letting just any member of the Taliban walk into the US and get a fake birth certificate and charm a bunch of people and run for President.:D

Laws are laws and the President shouldn't be excluded from any of them. If in fact he is proven to be an alien, I'm not sold on it yet, then he should be removed and so should the ticket. But, we are talking about the current government here people..... do you really think they could handle all that work and keep it organized?????? Especially in the midst of a nuclear war, Iraq war, Afghanistan and bailing out the unions?
Dec 3, 2007
For me the worst part is even if they found the proof they needed, I mean a full blown legal document proving 100% he isn't a legal citizen, the media and Dem. powers wannabes have their heads sooooooooo far up his arse they would find some bullsheet way to make it ok.

Still, there is nothing I would like more than for them to find him not a legal citizen!!!!!!!!!


Mar 16, 2004
For me the worst part is even if they found the proof they needed, I mean a full blown legal document proving 100% he isn't a legal citizen, the media and Dem. powers wannabes have their heads sooooooooo far up his arse they would find some bullsheet way to make it ok.

Still, there is nothing I would like more than for them to find him not a legal citizen!!!!!!!!!

"IF" they got concrete proof that he was inelible to be president, they would have no choice but to remove him.

The political backlash from the public would be horrindous.
Not to mention they would be breaching the constitution to try and keep him in office, plus the fact the military is sworn to uphold the constitution at all costs.
The dems may hate the military, but they know better than to take em on.
Dec 3, 2007
Ollie, One would think you would be 100% correct but the shat we have all seen them pull getting this POS elected I'm not sure of anything anymore when it comes to Blowboma. All the crap he has done, prior to being elected, and everytime they justified it or overlooked it. We all thought Clinton was slick willy, hell he doesn't hold a candle to this snake oil salesman! If blowboma said he could would on water his cult like following would fight to the death to prove he could, and this is the really crazy part, based on absolutely ZERO proof that he could walk on water. He won't need ANY proof of ANYTHING as long as he has his cult!
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