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Hawaii again declares Obama birth certificate real


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
So republicans won't take an opportunity to take down Obama because of the media? Won't they get justification and redemption when it is proven that he is not eligible?

What do you mean he has not gone through a formal vetting process? Hook a brother up with some info... besides your own words please.... ;)

Everyone jumped on the black guys side? Didn't he only beat Hilary by a small percentage, same as with McCain?
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Nov 26, 2007
Everett, Wa.
Heres a link for you, I am still looking for a copy of the report but since they did noit have the internet in 63 I don't know if anyone put it on, I lost my copy 30 years ago. Swampy:D



Your cause... is to not look stupid. :p It might not help your argument from my standpoint, but it is sure nice to see where you are getting your information from, and what was all included and what was left out and other sources... and ... whatever, just post a link already!

What is the purpose of you not posting the link anyways?
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Jan 11, 2008
I really don't care about if he produces it or not...but I do know that you dont always have a birth cert of any kind if you are born at home or in certain lets say community's such as fundemental LDS and Amish, Minetnights. The just have a family bible and have a real pain when they want a SS card. Not everyone is born in a hospital especially 40+ years ago.

Not saying that is whats going on here....just that their are other legitmate possibilitys.
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
I really don't care about if he produces it or not...but I do know that you dont always have a birth cert of any kind if you are born at home or in certain lets say community's such as fundemental LDS and Amish, Minetnights. The just have a family bible and have a real pain when they want a SS card. Not everyone is born in a hospital especially 40+ years ago.

Not saying that is whats going on here....just that their are other legitmate possibilitys.

Yep, lots of possible explanations. We should check them out.

We already know he has a birth certificate, the department of health stated they had it. Not a problem, just let us all take a little look at it.

What erks me the most is, I don't like the media calling the public crack pots, when they can't clearly explain why. You seriously would think the media doesn't want to know. What happeded to the investigative reporter. It will all come out some day, and some smart azz liberal will say, "Well you should have demanded to see the document; it's not our fault, we where mislead also.". Won't they?
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Mar 16, 2004
So republicans won't take an opportunity to take down Obama because of the media? Won't they get justification and redemption when it is proven that he is not eligible?

What do you mean he has not gone through a formal vetting process? Hook a brother up with some info... besides your own words please.... ;)

Everyone jumped on the black guys side? Didn't he only beat Hilary by a small percentage, same as with McCain?

um, sorry ruffy.
In order to be properly vetted you HAVE TO PRODUCE AN ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE. He hasn't, therefore he has not been properly vetted.

um, he actually rigged the process against Hillary. He bussed his supporters in to the caucuses and got them to vote for him. Even Hillary called him on it.
You are VERY correct about one thing. He only beat McCain by 4 points. Of cource he is running washington like he won by 100%.
By everybody, I was refering to the (laugh) news media.


Well-known member
Your cause... is to not look stupid. :p It might not help your argument from my standpoint, but it is sure nice to see where you are getting your information from, and what was all included and what was left out and other sources... and ... whatever, just post a link already!

What is the purpose of you not posting the link anyways?

I love your stupid smileys after your insults...like it is supposed to offset your insults....haha whatever. Probably something Big D taught ya huh? "Hey ruffy put a smiley after you call someone stupid and it will be cool." hahaha

Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
So why doesn't he release the info?

I have a couple of thoughts.
1. He doesn't have to, so he won't until he is forced
2. and more likely, this is a diversion or something for conservatives or nutjobs (lol) to focus on to distract them from the real issues at hand.

What leads me to this conclusion are a couple of things.
1. He had to go through a vetting process, and I think Dick Cheney was on it also. I would have thought this would have shown up.
2 He had to go through a vetting process by his own party. Looking at the vetting he has done with appointees, and how many errors they found in just simple tax issues (remember that the dems are the ones that found them, as they made the appointee come forward with problems) and yet the Obama campaign lets an issue like eligibility get through? I find that hard to believe...
3. Why are the internet bloggers, radio talk show hosts / personalities, and lawyers the only ones that seem to care about the issue? Why is it that the republicans have put the issue to rest and have not pushed for the info or his removal. Any excuse / reason to the contrary seems rediculous given how hard the conservative media pushes against democrats and with republicans, yet the republicans are complacent on the issue.
4. Why didn't this information come out from the McCain camp or anyone else for that matter during the running? I am sure they found the same wholes that people are finding here.... So why not use it to your advantage?
5. Given how far and how much research that goes into a presidents or rather a presidential candidates past, would someone really take a chance of trying to hide the information long enough to still be in power?
6. Given the fact that he is the first non-caucasion President that we have, wouldn't it be safe to assume that he would be put under an enormous magnifying glass with tons and tons of people (more then any other president before) looking for everything and anything to make him look bad or scandilous..

Answers to these questions that include "They are in on it" just make consipriacy turn closer to paranoia.

Find the motivation here.. not for Obama, but for all the republican Senators / Congressmen and other people of ranking in the government for not pursuing this issue. That is what I look at anyways.

Have fun with it!

Well, at least you thought about this, before you typed it in. It's the best we've seen yet.

I believe Ollie is correct about Obama never having been vetted. This is the best I can do. http://washingtonindependent.com/51...obama-produce-his-birth-certificate?FORM=ZZNB

You might notice that 10 Congressman have started a Bill that requires a presidential candidate be vetted, I think that by itself is proof; there's no vetting. http://usjf.net/archives/1243/comment-page-1

I think you under estimate the danger involved with elected officials questioning Obama. Jesse Jackson will call you a racist, from your front porch, with a 1000 protesters behind him. I've asked the same question myself about the RNC, and why the DNC would take the chance of being embarrassed.


Well-known member
Well, at least you thought about this, before you typed it in. It's the best we've seen yet.

I believe Ollie is correct about Obama never having been vetted. This is the best I can do. http://washingtonindependent.com/51...obama-produce-his-birth-certificate?FORM=ZZNB

You might notice that 10 Congressman have started a Bill that requires a presidential candidate be vetted, I think that by itself is proof; there's no vetting. http://usjf.net/archives/1243/comment-page-1

I think you under estimate the danger involved with elected officials questioning Obama. Jesse Jackson will call you a racist, from your front porch, with a 1000 protesters behind him. I've asked the same question myself about the RNC, and why the DNC would take the chance of being embarrassed.

Well thought out bullsh*t is still bullsh*t! :D Hey look I put a stupid smiley after it....so I'm really not insulting you ruff the puffer.

Hey Wade...underestimate is one word...I couldn't resist! hehe!



Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
um, sorry ruffy.
In order to be properly vetted you HAVE TO PRODUCE AN ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE. He hasn't, therefore he has not been properly vetted.

I assume that is your standard? Not some official standard?

I thought in one of the suits against Obama, that Cheney and former President Bush were also listed, due to the vetting process... Maybe I am mixing up my information...


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
Hilary had him beat hands down, Remember the votes in Michigan & Flordia did not count because both states moved the voting day forward from the voting done on super tuesday & inturn gave the win to the chosen one :eek:

Yah, but Michigan and Florida knew the rules and the repercussions and yet they moved it anyways... Yah, it was a cluster, but they need to deal with the consequences.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
Well thought out bullsh*t is still bullsh*t! :D Hey look I put a stupid smiley after it....so I'm really not insulting you ruff the puffer.

Hey Wade...underestimate is one word...I couldn't resist! hehe!


You missed one after puffer....


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
I love your stupid smileys after your insults...like it is supposed to offset your insults....haha whatever. Probably something Big D taught ya huh? "Hey ruffy put a smiley after you call someone stupid and it will be cool." hahaha


So how is your reading comprehension these days? I think it is a little off. Check it out again, I did not call him "stupid". If I did you would have seen..

"Swampy, you are stupid"

but instead you saw..

"Your cause..... is to not look stupid."

It was a jab, meant as a joke, hence the "Stick out Tongue" emoticon...


Well-known member
So how is your reading comprehension these days? I think it is a little off. Check it out again, I did not call him "stupid". If I did you would have seen..

"Swampy, you are stupid"

but instead you saw..

"Your cause..... is to not look stupid."

It was a jab, meant as a joke, hence the "Stick out Tongue" emoticon...




Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
I've asked the same question myself about the RNC, and why the DNC would take the chance of being embarrassed.

That is the biggest questions and whole that get put into this controversy..
Jan 11, 2008
Well, at least you thought about this, before you typed it in. It's the best we've seen yet.

I believe Ollie is correct about Obama never having been vetted. This is the best I can do. http://washingtonindependent.com/51...obama-produce-his-birth-certificate?FORM=ZZNB

You might notice that 10 Congressman have started a Bill that requires a presidential candidate be vetted, I think that by itself is proof; there's no vetting. http://usjf.net/archives/1243/comment-page-1

I think you under estimate the danger involved with elected officials questioning Obama. Jesse Jackson will call you a racist, from your front porch, with a 1000 protesters behind him. I've asked the same question myself about the RNC, and why the DNC would take the chance of being embarrassed.
Got to agree with Wade here. This seems more likely the they are hiding it cause hes not natural born.
Dec 19, 2007
Surrounded by Dumbacrat's
Yah, but Michigan and Florida knew the rules and the repercussions and yet they moved it anyways... Yah, it was a cluster, but they need to deal with the consequences.

So then why did the people bother to vote? I know many that voted & was pissed about the outcome, Kinda reminds me of the old farts in florida that voted for Gore. "My vote did not count" :face-icon-small-con

You say "They" moved it, It was Granholm the obama supporter that moved it, Not the voters.

:D Funny thing is he is done & all by himself for his lack of ability
Barock in a hard placeLMAO!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 28% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -12. That’s the lowest rating yet recorded for President Obama (see trends).

Forty-nine percent (49%) now say that America’s best days have come and gone. Just 38% believe they are still to come. Thirty-four percent (34%) say the country is heading in the right direction. Seventy-five percent (75%) want the Federal Reserve to be audited.


Well-known member
So then why did the people bother to vote? I know many that voted & was pissed about the outcome, Kinda reminds me of the old farts in florida that voted for Gore. "My vote did not count" :face-icon-small-con

You say "They" moved it, It was Granholm the obama supporter that moved it, Not the voters.

:D Funny thing is he is done & all by himself for his lack of ability
Barock in a hard placeLMAO!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 28% of the nation's voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty percent (40%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -12. That’s the lowest rating yet recorded for President Obama (see trends).

Forty-nine percent (49%) now say that America’s best days have come and gone. Just 38% believe they are still to come. Thirty-four percent (34%) say the country is heading in the right direction. Seventy-five percent (75%) want the Federal Reserve to be audited.

The Federal Reserve needs to be gone! Hmmmm interesting tidbit...JFK started to remove the Fed when he took office (he knew they are a bunch of corrupt b@stards that are motivated by private banking greed, not the best interest of the people of America in mind)....then he was assassinated. Woodrow Wilson later stated he made the biggest mistake of his political career and he enslaved the American people by signing the bill that allowed the Fed.

Dec 19, 2007
Surrounded by Dumbacrat's
The Federal Reserve needs to be gone! Hmmmm interesting tidbit...JFK started to remove the Fed when he took office (he knew they are a bunch of corrupt b@stards that are motivated by private banking greed, not the best interest of the people of America in mind)....then he was assassinated. Woodrow Wilson later stated he made the biggest mistake of his political career and he enslaved the American people by signing the bill that allowed the Fed.


MPS Thank You! It's funny & sad now that Beranke is trying his best to create this warm fuzzy feeling PR trip for the FED, A very simple One page Bill wrote by Ron Paul HR 1207 has the powers to be shaking like a like a fag @ a hot dog stand.

Any guesses on how long before Ron Paul dies in some freak accident?

Co-Bill http://www.dailypaul.com/node/92815

Better yet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm9UsL2hCKo

It's time & it's NOT going away!
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Mar 16, 2004
Originally Posted by Wade View Post
I've asked the same question myself about the RNC, and why the DNC would take the chance of being embarrassed.

That is the biggest questions and whole that get put into this controversy..""

I have thought about this also.
I am willing to bet the thought about bo's eligibility was never even a thought that crossed anyone's mind. They simply saw a great opportunity to get someone that was liberal enough to push the country in the direction they wanted (the DNC that is). By the time it became clear he had a real chance the RNC was on the run, the DNC wasn't going to rock the boat. They had a guy that could get the votes and also help some of their less sure bets get elected. The RNC was scared to death of the media and was just trying to stay afloat, by that time they knew they were sunk, they were in damage control.

By the time this whole thing came up, it was WAY to late for the DNC to back out and the RNC didn't dare say anything for fear of losing even more. Now the situation is such that the DNC has to back him with everything they have. If it comes out that there is some skeleton in his closet that is REALLY bad, they will get clobbered in 2010. The RNC is trying to rebuild trust and get voters back. If they start openly attacking Bo and demanding the information they will look petty (or be portrayed that way by the DNC and the press). So they sit back and fight the bills and let the people fight for the information. That way they get to look more statesman and still get the info out there.
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