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Hawaii again declares Obama birth certificate real



Mar 16, 2004
Be careful the "Birther's" don't take over the right wing Lunatic fringe and oust you guys. 100 per cent of the "Birthers" even the rightest of the right...including Michele Bachmann...voted to agree that our president is a natural born citizen. They are turning on you guys.

Why is it when you disagree with an uber-liberal they start calling names?
There's "Birthers", right wing lunatic fringe, etc......

Liberals all claim to be SO open minded and ready to discuss issues, right up till you actually want to try and debate t hem or get information from them. Then the name calling starts and they do everything in their power to avoid the discussion or information.

Oh, and Flake is a good discription.

If he is so above board, why doesn't he simply release the information??

Why is he the ONLY president that doesn't have to disclose ANY info on his background??


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Nov 26, 2007
North Utah
Why is it when you disagree with an uber-liberal they start calling names?
There's "Birthers", right wing lunatic fringe, etc......

Liberals all claim to be SO open minded and ready to discuss issues, right up till you actually want to try and debate t hem or get information from them. Then the name calling starts and they do everything in their power to avoid the discussion or information.

Oh, and Flake is a good discription.

LOL! Thats how the arguments in my family go!
Unless you want to play the blame Bush Game. Make fun of Bush all day long but5 as soon as you say anything bad about BO the name calling starts!:rolleyes:


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Jul 9, 2001
LOL! Thats how the arguments in my family go!
Unless you want to play the blame Bush Game. Make fun of Bush all day long but5 as soon as you say anything bad about BO the name calling starts!:rolleyes:

Same goes on in my house!!!! Christmas at the in-laws is quite an ordeal also, I get to hear nothing but Bush slamming and how he was the worst president in history and they all but kneel down and bow to O. It's really starting to have an impact on my emotional state...:D


Well-known member
Same goes on in my house!!!! Christmas at the in-laws is quite an ordeal also, I get to hear nothing but Bush slamming and how he was the worst president in history and they all but kneel down and bow to O. It's really starting to have an impact on my emotional state...:D

Oh we are talking about the libby double standard? ...and that if I slam Obama I must be a racist! hahahahaha.....yup gotta love it!



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Aug 14, 2002
Then the name calling starts and they do everything in their power to avoid the discussion or information.

What???? Sure sounds like quite a few discussions around here... mostly from those that call themselves conservatives..


Mar 16, 2004
What???? Sure sounds like quite a few discussions around here... mostly from those that call themselves conservatives..

oh, we have our morons also.
We just actually call them out as morons instead of holding them up as heros.

So Ruff, what's the 911?
Why doesn't the obamanation release the info?

I ask because you will at least TRY to answer the question.


Well-known member
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May 17, 2005
Top 'O the Great Basin... almost
Libs cant answer..... they just follow blindly, and support him because he must be legit. How could he be POTUS if he wasn't legit????

Every sinlge living American should want to know "WHY" has he sealed his records!!!!!!!

Because if they were open to the public...... he would not be POTUS!!!!!!!
Oct 15, 2008
oh, we have our morons also.
We just actually call them out as morons instead of holding them up as heros.

So Ruff, what's the 911?
Why doesn't the obamanation release the info?

I ask because you will at least TRY to answer the question.

I'm interested to get an answer to this as well.

It's always interesting to see into the mind of a lib.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
oh, we have our morons also.
We just actually call them out as morons instead of holding them up as heros.

So Ruff, what's the 911?
Why doesn't the obamanation release the info?

I ask because you will at least TRY to answer the question.

So why doesn't he release the info?

I have a couple of thoughts.
1. He doesn't have to, so he won't until he is forced
2. and more likely, this is a diversion or something for conservatives or nutjobs (lol) to focus on to distract them from the real issues at hand.

What leads me to this conclusion are a couple of things.
1. He had to go through a vetting process, and I think Dick Cheney was on it also. I would have thought this would have shown up.
2 He had to go through a vetting process by his own party. Looking at the vetting he has done with appointees, and how many errors they found in just simple tax issues (remember that the dems are the ones that found them, as they made the appointee come forward with problems) and yet the Obama campaign lets an issue like eligibility get through? I find that hard to believe...
3. Why are the internet bloggers, radio talk show hosts / personalities, and lawyers the only ones that seem to care about the issue? Why is it that the republicans have put the issue to rest and have not pushed for the info or his removal. Any excuse / reason to the contrary seems rediculous given how hard the conservative media pushes against democrats and with republicans, yet the republicans are complacent on the issue.
4. Why didn't this information come out from the McCain camp or anyone else for that matter during the running? I am sure they found the same wholes that people are finding here.... So why not use it to your advantage?
5. Given how far and how much research that goes into a presidents or rather a presidential candidates past, would someone really take a chance of trying to hide the information long enough to still be in power?
6. Given the fact that he is the first non-caucasion President that we have, wouldn't it be safe to assume that he would be put under an enormous magnifying glass with tons and tons of people (more then any other president before) looking for everything and anything to make him look bad or scandilous..

Answers to these questions that include "They are in on it" just make consipriacy turn closer to paranoia.

Find the motivation here.. not for Obama, but for all the republican Senators / Congressmen and other people of ranking in the government for not pursuing this issue. That is what I look at anyways.

Have fun with it!
Nov 26, 2007
Everett, Wa.
Be careful the "Birther's" don't take over the right wing Lunatic fringe and oust you guys. 100 per cent of the "Birthers" even the rightest of the right...including Michele Bachmann...voted to agree that our president is a natural born citizen. They are turning on you guys.

The John Birch Society was established AS the right wing lunatic fringe. It wasn't long until the "New right" ousted them. The same thing is going to happen to the "Snowmobile form nut wing"

Christ I wish you guys could understand a few simple facts so I didn't have to type so much. Thanks for the laughs though.

First I hate to bust your bubble but the JBS is alive and well. You obviously have no personal understanding or information on the JBS, you simply parrot the liberal line. Here is a study of the California state senate on the JBS as a lunatic fringe. Swampy:eek::mad:

In the midst of the debate, Robert Welch suggested that a good way to settle the matter would be through an official Congressional investigation. Let people make their charges under oath. Welch said he would welcome an investigation and would answer under oath any question the members of Congress wished to ask him. However, it was not the U.S. Congress, but the California State Legislature which finally decided to do the job.

Trained investigators were sent out by the Senate Factfinding Subcommittee on Un-American Activities. Their report came as a great shock to those people who had proclaimed that the attack on the John Birch Society could be factually proven. They even had predicted that this California report would undoubtedly destroy the Birchers.

Hugh M. Burns (Democrat), chairman of the California Senate Factfinding Committee, used 61 pages of fine print to tell what his committee investigators had found. This report attracted national attention in press, radio and TV during June, 1963.

Is the Birch Society Secret or Fascist?

Chairman Burns stated: “We have not found the Society to be either a secret or a fascist organization, nor have we found the great majority of its members in California to be mentally unstable, crackpots, or hysterical about the threat of Communist subversion.” (Page 61)

Is the Society Anti-Semitic or Racist?

“Our investigations have disclosed no evidence of anti-Semitism on the part of anyone connected with the John Birch Society in California, and much evidence to the effect that it opposes racism in all forms.” (Page 39)

What Kind of an Organization Is It?

“We find the John Birch Society to be a Right, anti-Communist, fundamentalist organization. It was conceived, organized, and is dominated by Mr. Robert Welch, who runs the society with the aid of a National Council and Advisory Committee, whose advice he is not, however, bound to follow.” (Page 61)

What About Robert Welch?

“We have studied Welch's life, his business career, educational background, and have read almost everything he wrote — all his writings in connection with the society. We do not agree with much of what he wrote or what he has said, but we did not find him embittered, either through reading his writings or through personally interrogating him.

“There is no question, as National Review (which criticized Mr. Welch*) points out, that he has stirred the slumbering spirit of patriotism in thousands of Americans, roused them from lethargy, and changed their apathy into a deep desire to first learn the facts about communism and then implement that knowledge with effective and responsible action.” (Page 37)

Interviews with John Birch Members

“We have found the average member to have been concerned about the advances of the world Communist movement and the advances of Communist subversion in this country. The John Birch Society has provided the only organization with a militant program of study and action through which the frustrations of these people can be released.”

The report says members do not accept everything Mr. Welch has said, “but their position is that despite this disagreement, he did conceive the movement, organize it, instill it with life, provide a national medium through which people can actually do something about the menace of Communism. The average member is firmly convinced that the real threat is not essentially abroad, but that since our foreign policies are evolved here, and as they are influenced here, and since our retreat from one European crisis after another has been engineered in Washington, then the problem must be faced in this country.” (Pages 42 and 43)

Are Members Centrally Controlled or Disciplined?

“Communists are trained to obey a directive or a party assignment, whether they agree with it or not. Members of the [John Birch] society are constantly told NOT to follow any program or directive unless they agree with it, as may be seen in many of the monthly bulletins sent to the members. When the policies and actions of the society are no longer supported by a member, he may resign and get a proportional rebate of his annual dues.” (Page 18)

Why Have So Many People Joined?

“We believe that the reason the John Birch Society has attracted so many members is that it simply appeared to them to be the most effective, indeed the only organization through which they could join in as a national movement to learn the truth about the Communist menace and then take some positive concerted action to prevent its spread.” (Page 61 and 62)

Who Launched the Smear Campaign Against the Society?

The report points out that the all-out attack against the John Birch Society was launched by the Communist Party in 1961.

“The attack against the John Birch Society commenced with an article in the People's World, California Communist paper, in February, 1961. . . .” (Pages 25 and 26)


Everything I have personally observed about the
Nov 26, 2007
Everett, Wa.
What is the cause you refer to? Do you really think the California state senate report carries no legitimacy. If I don't post links you claim it's just opinions if I include links you claim it does not help. If you can't argue the facts, stay out of the argument. Swampy

links links links links!!!!! Really, they only help your cause..


Mar 16, 2004
So why doesn't he release the info?

I have a couple of thoughts.
1. He doesn't have to, so he won't until he is forced

Yet every other president does it willingly. So, what is he hiding?

2. and more likely, this is a diversion or something for conservatives or nutjobs (lol) to focus on to distract them from the real issues at hand.

Oh, you mean like keeping the government from completely killing the constitution or driving us into total bankrupcy?

What leads me to this conclusion are a couple of things.
1. He had to go through a vetting process, and I think Dick Cheney was on it also. I would have thought this would have shown up.

Except for the fact, Obama has never been vetted.

2 He had to go through a vetting process by his own party. Looking at the vetting he has done with appointees, and how many errors they found in just simple tax issues (remember that the dems are the ones that found them, as they made the appointee come forward with problems) and yet the Obama campaign lets an issue like eligibility get through? I find that hard to believe...

As I said, he has never been formally vetted. I would have agreed 4 months ago that this whole thing was being blown out of proportion, right up till he spends 1 million dollars to keep everything secrety. WHY? You only spend that kind of money if you have something to hide.

3. Why are the internet bloggers, radio talk show hosts / personalities, and lawyers the only ones that seem to care about the issue? Why is it that the republicans have put the issue to rest and have not pushed for the info or his removal. Any excuse / reason to the contrary seems rediculous given how hard the conservative media pushes against democrats and with republicans, yet the republicans are complacent on the issue.

First off, the republicans aren't going to touch this with a 10 foot pole. Not after the beating they took by the (cough cough) media the last time they asked questions about their lord and master. As for why is it internet bloggers, radio hosts and lawyers, they are the only ones with the millions it takes to FORCE the obamanation to come clean.

4. Why didn't this information come out from the McCain camp or anyone else for that matter during the running? I am sure they found the same wholes that people are finding here.... So why not use it to your advantage?

um, were you on the same planet I was during the presidents run?? THe media was slobbering all over obama. If you even breathed a word against the lord and master you were destroyed. Just as Joe the plumber.

5. Given how far and how much research that goes into a presidents or rather a presidential candidates past, would someone really take a chance of trying to hide the information long enough to still be in power?

Because it worked.

6. Given the fact that he is the first non-caucasion President that we have, wouldn't it be safe to assume that he would be put under an enormous magnifying glass with tons and tons of people (more then any other president before) looking for everything and anything to make him look bad or scandilous..

your kidding right. As soon as it was known we had a black running, everyone jumped on his band wagon. They didn't ask question, they gave cover for everything he did. If ANYONE else had had direct contact with known terrorist they would have been crusified by the (cough, cough) news media

Answers to these questions that include "They are in on it" just make consipriacy turn closer to paranoia.

Find the motivation here.. not for Obama, but for all the republican Senators / Congressmen and other people of ranking in the government for not pursuing this issue. That is what I look at anyways.

Have fun with it!

The whole issue would go away if he just provided the history demanded by the public, and don't try and say it is just a small group of right wing nut jobs. This issue is growing and it is going to turn ugly.

All he has to do is provide the information.

So, where's the transparency he promised??
oh, it prob. went the same way as "My white house won't be run by special interests" or "I will have the most ethical white house in history".


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
What is the cause you refer to? Do you really think the California state senate report carries no legitimacy. If I don't post links you claim it's just opinions if I include links you claim it does not help. If you can't argue the facts, stay out of the argument. Swampy

Your cause... is to not look stupid. :p It might not help your argument from my standpoint, but it is sure nice to see where you are getting your information from, and what was all included and what was left out and other sources... and ... whatever, just post a link already!

What is the purpose of you not posting the link anyways?
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