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Hawaii again declares Obama birth certificate real

Oct 15, 2008
Everyone does not want to know... just a small percentage..

Wrong…if only a small percentage wanted to know some joker from the Health Department of Hawaii would not be making another public announcement.

Time to poor on the heat…..Why would anyone give a $hit what the Health Department of Hawaii says?? This should be an insult to every person living in the United States of America. What a slap in the face. How arrogant is this guy? I thought he was an attorney?? Does he really think somebody saying they saw the documents is going to put this to bed? Just show us the evidence. If Congress has moved on, all the more reason to vote these jokers out.

I think this will just stir the fire and bring on more heat.

Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
Let's see if we can follow the chain of events.

Klien: CNN head dog, calls Lou Dobbs to the carpet, for his story. Klien tells everyone, our staff has documented that the Long Form Birth Certificate was destroyed in 2001. This means there is no long form to give to the public, get over it. Obama suppoerts go on a tear, calling Birthers names.

Department of Health in Hawaii gets flooded with calls and emails. Asking why you destroyed long form birth certificate. A lot of angry citizens are worried their birth certificate got burned. Health Department makes a statement, saying they've seen the long form, and they don't destroy documents, ever. Lou Dobbs 2, Klien 0, at this point.

Now ask yourself. Would you ever believe a single data point, and draw a trend line from it???? No, reporters, scientist, etc, all require multiple sources. What this Dr., at the Health department said; isn't any more important than me saying I saw it. But, what's important here, is the Health department admits they have the Long Form Birth Certificate., and that the CNN Head lied. So, the only question remaining is; why is Obama not releasing it??????? Release the BC, so we can get this over with.
Oct 15, 2008
The man is a Narcissist with an agenda just like Hitler. He will lie under oath because his agenda to reform the world into what he believes is a perfect world order circumvents any founding documents like the constitution. He was put into power by a couple of generations who have not had to fight for life or liberty. They grew up during the most prosperous times in the history of the USA, and they were not taught to respect the price that was paid for them to have such freedoms. He does not have to live by the same rules as everybody else. He is a law unto himself. Allowing him to continue to function as President of the USA without requiring that he provide proof of citizenship only strengthens his power and his ego. He believes he can out smart every single person in this country, and has obviously managed to out smart a majority already.

It’s an outrage that neither our political leaders nor are legal system do not require that this simple issue be resolved within 3 days. Not with words of I testify, but with original legal documents. The same documents that are required of us to get a passport, or a government clearance.

Peace out.
Nov 26, 2007
Everett, Wa.
The documentation is there to show this complete hiding of the facts and pushing the marxist program has been going on for at least 90 years by the democratic party and for some reason never fully exposed when the Repubs get control. The entire world war II, china, Korea and Vietnam theaters when studied will show this steady destruction of America and the capitalistic system, this did not start with Obama he is just the newest and most energetic player in the surrender of America, if the american people do not wake up and study history they will witness the total destruction of the American dream. Swampy:eek::mad::(

The man is a Narcissist with an agenda just like Hitler. He will lie under oath because his agenda to reform the world into what he believes is a perfect world order circumvents any founding documents like the constitution. He was put into power by a couple of generations who have not had to fight for life or liberty. They grew up during the most prosperous times in the history of the USA, and they were not taught to respect the price that was paid for them to have such freedoms. He does not have to live by the same rules as everybody else. He is a law unto himself. Allowing him to continue to function as President of the USA without requiring that he provide proof of citizenship only strengthens his power and his ego. He believes he can out smart every single person in this country, and has obviously managed to out smart a majority already.

It’s an outrage that neither our political leaders nor are legal system do not require that this simple issue be resolved within 3 days. Not with words of I testify, but with original legal documents. The same documents that are required of us to get a passport, or a government clearance.

Peace out.

Snow Flake

Be careful, even the John Birch Society finally got ousted from the right wing Lunatic fringe.


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Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
North Utah
Everyone does not want to know... just a small percentage..

Wrong…if only a small percentage wanted to know some joker from the Health Department of Hawaii would not be making another public announcement.

Time to poor on the heat…..Why would anyone give a $hit what the Health Department of Hawaii says?? This should be an insult to every person living in the United States of America. What a slap in the face. How arrogant is this guy? I thought he was an attorney?? Does he really think somebody saying they saw the documents is going to put this to bed? Just show us the evidence. If Congress has moved on, all the more reason to vote these jokers out.

I think this will just stir the fire and bring on more heat.


Exactly! I think there are quite a few more people “Then a small percentage” That want to know.

Why not show it??????????:confused:

I can’t believe that it wasn’t a requirement to show it before you could run for president!:(
Nov 26, 2007
havre, montana
Exactly! I think there are quite a few more people “Then a small percentage” That want to know.

Why not show it??????????:confused:

I can’t believe that it wasn’t a requirement to show it before you could run for president!:(

so if he doesn't have to show how the he77 do you prove you are what you say you are, and who or when do they even check if he denounced his citizenship or anything else during his lifetime??
and if he did denounce it they why would you put him in charge, obviously if he did he doesn't have a strong will to make the country better but might want to run it into the ground ( look what he's done so far, country may not survive the print money and hand it out scheme, especially if the dollar tanks and they make the euro top dog)
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
Be careful, even the John Birch Society finally got ousted from the right wing Lunatic fringe.

Go here:

Look at the comments at the bottom. Are you really proud of the Logical Thinking, Persuasive Argumentation, and Thoughtful Responses?

Sure there are idiots on the Right side, but you Lefties are the kettle calling the pot black, from the bottom of a dry well. Look at the comments just on this site, half of them have very good arguments. Now look at the comments on the CNN site, do you see facts? No, you see emotion. How about the 80% of "Birthers", that see a logical argument here? The ones that have jobs, follow the law, finished upper education, believe in personal responsibility? And, expect their president to act the same. I somehow thought Obama was going to be open, bipartisan, and transparent. Another word for Transparent is Stealthy. How about he hand over some documentation? The great percentage of us would be very grateful.

Don't even start on Bush, he failed me too. Most presidents have. But, Obama is hiding something, you know it. He is not the man the Democrats thought they were electing.
Nov 26, 2007
Edmonton, AB
well the best news of all this cover up crap to me is that he will have to show the docs if he wants to pay round two......so I see we only have 3 more years to destroy the nation:beer;

Do you see him being around to even try a round 2? The way he is going, I think one way or another, he will be out of power before the term. People are going to get sick of the BS, and eventully do something about it.

Snow Flake

Whats to be carefull about? And when was the John Birch Society in the right wing lunatic fringe? Swampy:eek:

Be careful the "Birther's" don't take over the right wing Lunatic fringe and oust you guys. 100 per cent of the "Birthers" even the rightest of the right...including Michele Bachmann...voted to agree that our president is a natural born citizen. They are turning on you guys.

The John Birch Society was established AS the right wing lunatic fringe. It wasn't long until the "New right" ousted them. The same thing is going to happen to the "Snowmobile form nut wing"

Christ I wish you guys could understand a few simple facts so I didn't have to type so much. Thanks for the laughs though.
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