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Obama's birth questioned again.



Mar 16, 2004
From: Maurice

Sooner or later...

> > April 1, 2009
> >
> > AP- WASHINGTON D.C. - In a move certain to fuel the debate over Obama's
> qualifications for the presidency, the group "Americans for Freedom of
> Information" has released copies of President Obama's college transcripts
> from Occidental College . Released today, the transcript indicates that
> Obama, under the name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign
> student from Indonesia as an undergraduate at the school. The transcript was
> released by Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit
> brought by the group in the Superior Court of California. The transcript
> shows that Obama (Soetoro) applied for financial aid and was awarded a
> fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation Scholarship
> program. To qualify, for the scholarship, a student must claim foreign
> citizenship. This document would seem to provide the smoking gun that many
> of Obama's detractors have been seeking.
> >
> > The news has created a firestorm at the White House as the release casts
> increasing doubt about Obama's legitimacy and qualification to serve as
> president. When reached for comment in London , where he has been in meetings
> with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Obama smiled but refused comment
> on the issue.. Meanwhile, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs scoffed
> at the report stating that this was obviously another attempt by a
> right-wing conservative group to discredit the president and undermine the
> administration's efforts to move the country in a new direction.
> >
> > Britain 's Daily Mail has also carried the story in a front-page article
> titled, "Obama Eligibility Questioned", leading some to speculate that the
> story may overshadow economic issues on Obama's first official visit to the
> U.K.
> >
> > In a related matter, under growing pressure from several groups, Justice
> Antonin Scalia announced that the Supreme Court agreed on Tuesday to hear
> arguments concerning Obama's legal eligibility to serve as President in a
> case brought by Leo Donofrio of New Jersey . This lawsuit claims Obama's dual
> citizenship disqualified him from serving as president. Donofrio's case is
> just one of 18 suits brought by citizens demanding proof of Obama's
> citizenship or qualification to serve as president.
> >
> > Gary Kreep of the United States Justice Foundation has released the
> results of their investigation of Obama's campaign spending. This study
> estimates that Obama has spent upwards of $950,000 in campaign funds in the
> past year with eleven law firms in 12 states for legal resources to block
> disclosure of any of his personal records. Mr. Kreep indicated that the
> investigation is still ongoing but that the final report will be provided to
> the U.S. . attorney general, Eric Holder. Mr. Holder has refused to comment
> on the matter.


Well-known member
White House press secretary Robert Gibbs scoffed
> at the report stating that this was obviously another attempt by a
> right-wing conservative group to discredit the president and undermine the
> administration's efforts to move the country in a new direction.

Yup what a f@g!!! How bout we want to know the truth! Why has Obama taken such an effort to block his personal records!? That is psych 101......guilty!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 27, 2007
If bush would have done something like this the media would have him living on the street with one shoestring and half a belt.


Mar 16, 2004
Both the white house and the press figured if they left it alone long enough it would simply go away.

Nov 27, 2007
It needs to be brought up again and again until it is answered. How is that not required when you fill out the job application to be president??
Dec 19, 2007
Surrounded by Dumbacrat's
It appears the Powers That (Shouldn’t) Be are having a very very fun time driving this country into the ground.

POLITICO: The United States is facing its biggest financial crisis in ages. North Korea is blowing up nukes. Dick Cheney warns us of the “dangers that have not gone away.” And there are still wars raging in Afghanistan and Iraq.

But over in the White House press briefing room, it’s a veritable laugh riot


Well-known member
It appears the Powers That (Shouldn’t) Be are having a very very fun time driving this country into the ground.

POLITICO: The United States is facing its biggest financial crisis in ages. North Korea is blowing up nukes. Dick Cheney warns us of the “dangers that have not gone away.” And there are still wars raging in Afghanistan and Iraq.

But over in the White House press briefing room, it’s a veritable laugh riot

I went to the website and saw a link for this t-shirt.....but the clicky sends me to a damn Oprah article. :mad:

Nov 26, 2007
ya know, I hate to say this... but seriously, do you REALLY want biden as president and Pelosi elevated to Veep??? i say leave well enough alone...
leave well enough alone?? man, biden will take the same hits obamas getting and we'll move to pelosi, pelosi will get shot and we'll move on from there... were going to weed the weak and fake out sooner or later, why not sooner so the suffering can end... might as well move Obama (aka who knows) out the way, get biden impeached, pelosi shot in the head, so on so on:beer;


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
May 11, 2004
ya know, I hate to say this... but seriously, do you REALLY want biden as president and Pelosi elevated to Veep??? i say leave well enough alone...

yes I think i would, nancy would have LESS Power than she has now as VP so That would be a good thing. as for Biden.... Can't be worce than Barry



Mar 16, 2004
ya know, I hate to say this... but seriously, do you REALLY want biden as president and Pelosi elevated to Veep??? i say leave well enough alone...

Actually, I think that is not what would happen.
Since Obama was never eligible to be president, I believe both him and his running mate would be removed.
this will make you sick, but.............
Palosi would assend to the office of the president till a new election could be held.

The big question would be,
since Obama can't be president then anything he did as president would also be unconstitutional. Therefor any legislation he put forward or signed would also be unconstitutional. There fore, any court appointees, and cabinet positions, all legislation, everything would be tossed.
Dec 19, 2007
Surrounded by Dumbacrat's
actually, i think that is not what would happen.
Since obama was never eligible to be president, i believe both him and his running mate would be removed.
This will make you sick, but.............
Palosi would assend to the office of the president till a new election could be held.

The big question would be,
since obama can't be president then anything he did as president would also be unconstitutional. Therefor any legislation he put forward or signed would also be unconstitutional. There fore, any court appointees, and cabinet positions, all legislation, everything would be tossed.

bingo we have a winner


Mar 16, 2004
so what about all the debt he's accrued in his first 100 or so days??? the jobs, everything.. Will we start drilling again and laying pipeline again so I can get back to diggin holes??

The house and senate are still run by the dems, so pretty much nothing would change, however.....
I don't know about the borrowing and stuff like that.

All these constitutional questions are why I think both parties will do what ever they can to bury this thing. It will make both parties look bad and destroy the countries faith (even more) in the integrity of any elected official.

I would LOVE to see solid proof, if for nothing else than it will be fun to see how the politicians handle it.

Will the Republicans come out swinging and demand all Dems on their election commision resign for committing fraud on the american people and breaching the constitution or do the republicans put out a statement that mistakes happen.

This thing ain't over yet.
Definately stay on top of it, your the answer man and I like to read about all the findings you get on this political jargon. Not much of a political man myself but it's nice to know this stuff.. Like the thread about the Difference in COmpensation.. thats a good to know info thread and it really pisses me off. I hope something turns around here really quick, my Uncle James (a long time carpenter with his own business and has been doing VERY well the past 15 years in South Dakota) called me yesterday evening to ask If I knew where any work was down my way.. he had to lay off 15 of his 25 employees and cut wages just to keep his business afloat. He's considered dipping into his retirement just to make sure his remaining employees stay afloat and are able to feed their families. This really makes me sad cause he's always been a well off man and always had work all over the US, and now he's calling me to ask if I know where he can dig up a contract to build or remodel something, ANYTHING! is how he put it... hope something changes very soon...
Nov 26, 2007
Craig Colorado
ya know, I hate to say this... but seriously, do you REALLY want biden as president and Pelosi elevated to Veep??? i say leave well enough alone...

I'm no expert on Constitutional law, I don't think it works that way. If Obama and Biden were both killed at the same time she would be president. If Just Obama was gone, Biden would be President and he would pick a V.P. and the hag would stay where she is.
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