So is it your contention that I cant be a part of your or "Your" Republican party until I get on board with the whole Kenya Muslim Hitler alien stuff?
Small correction, I think Obama was born in Hawaii. Small correction, I don't think he's an alien. Small correction, the Hitler picture was funny to me, and nothing that hasn't been done to a few Republican faces. But, now it's all racism if you do it. Not pay back.
Is that the new requirement for getting in the GOP tent? 51% of the voting public getting on board with your..."Beliefs"?
I was referring to allowing others to have their beliefs, in the vacuum of evidence. From the last paragraph, you knew nothing of my beliefs. 51% is roughly what it takes to get a guy elected. To say that all 51% vote that way, for any one set of reasons, would be silly.
You do realize your attacking people's beliefs, for attacking a person's (or party's) beliefs? So, how are you better?
Thats not really a belief tho' is it?....Thats a theory or a "Take". When we turn theory into beliefs we will get ourselves in trouble. We as a party are in trouble right now.
Beliefs are but theorems, yet to be proved or disproved. The only way to advance or destroy it, is to use rigorous informal logic, to develop a formal proof. Logical proofs require data, proven and accepted parallel proofs, and publication. To strengthen your proof, you should also attempt the proof through exhaustion. But, when dealing with statistical probabilities or certainty, your more apt to solve it through inductive logic. Basically, a theorem remains until it's proof is attempted. Q.E.D.
Now, from a theorem to proof, we can use that as a lemma to other theorems. The wall is built of many bricks.
I personally don't see the Republican Party in trouble right now, not from the people. The problem with the Republican Party, correlates with the problems the Democrats face, leadership is weak and of low moral character.
Its your contention that we should all share your "Take" on the birth certificate deal and get on board with the usurping of Hawaii's state policy to cure our curiosity? Whats next? Should we ask to see the mans penis to ensure he is circumsized?
My take is that all voting citizens should have standing to basic data, that substantiates the claims of any elected official. In this case, constitutional requirements are a claim. Hawaii has no standing to determine the federal constitutional merits of the office are met. They only provide the basic data, a document. I've never even seen where Hawaii has provided that basic data to the federal level. And, taking the 10th amendment into consideration, I believe that all state electoral boards have the right to question qualifications. Your reference to Obama's privacy concerns, are touching. But, Obama has made claim to natural born citizenship, for a public office, which requires NBC for the position. He lost privacy claims, as soon as he threw his hat in the ring. Plus, he released his short form document, so he has lost all privacy rights, for most of the document in question anyways. Hawaii's state rights are intact, if Obama proves claims for federal positions.
After all, how screwed up is it, that a party can advance to the end of their prelims, before vetting constitutional requirements. This can only lead to an untenable position of self-vetting the party choice, in the face of obvious legal questions.
Like I said before, to not question qualifications, falls squarely in the lap of those that believe it has not been met. No one else will come forward to do it for them. Which, is sad, isn't it.