your statements I gather you seem to think that it's OK to deceive, lye, cheat, and steal from the American people in the name of Socialism. In no way has this man BO done anything to help America. In fact he has jeopardized our saftey in this world. A.
You didnt read my post or you wouldnt have replyed like this. Please show me what statement I ever made that made you post that I would think its OK to lie, Cheat or steal from anyone anywhere at any time? Are you confusing me with someone else?
If I state that I dont care for Corporate America influencing our lawmakers and essentially writing our legislation and competly contaminating the process I'm some Obama fan-Boi Socialist?
Are all Republicans pro lobbyist now? Pro special interest? Pro having our legislative process ran by Corporate lobbyists? Well I'm not.
Dude...Seriously. You should read my post before you throw around your ill placed unwarranted comments.
My point was very simple.
Attack the policy not the individual. When you attack the individual you are simply "Mimmicking" talk radio entertainers.
I'm a Republican. I voted for John McCain...But you are so blinded by your hatred for the individual that you did not read my post and simply assumed that I was some leftist creep based on Wolfrun's odd comments?
Which I will dissect now:
Wolf:In the first place if "the less fortunate" in this country got up off there butts and went to work they wouldn't be less fortunate.
So Wolf thats how you reply to me stating this:
Chaz: So you are all for big corporate lobbyists having absolute influence and control over our legislative process in exchange for supporting the less fortunate in our country?
Which I had simply asked when you posted this odd comment?:
Just a thought but when those devil corporations are gone who writes the pay checks for the masses? Oh I guess the government will just have to do it.
If this is the mentality of the GOP in our country today we are doomed. You are simply spitting out odd bits and pieces of nothingness you must have gathered from listening to Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity.....You are essentially stating that you are Pro-Lobbyist and special interest when I'm clearly not.
Wolf:When I was little we were so poor, we couldn't pay attention but you know what, we didn't know it. We never asked anything of anybody, we just worked until we made good and then we helped our neighbors to make good too.
And you somehow habve gathered or assumed that I do not share those same values do to my anti special interest and corporate lobbyist silliness in Washsington dictating our laws and owning our elected officials? WTF Man?
Wolf: In the second place if the corporate lobbies had that much power over congress and the environmental forces all the manufacturing would not be done overseas and you are right it should not be over seas but it is because of government greed not corporate greed.
So its your contention that our Goverment somehow pushed to outsource American jobs to say the Chinese?
Well Wolf you are right sadly you cant see the whole picture. The jobs were outsourced when coporate lobbyist's and special interest money bought its way into congress and inacted eased regulations in order to promote profitability. So you got it right....Well half right.
In the third place I am sick of this crap so you just carry on by yourself and tell us how it all should be.
You are sick of? Sick of me not joining on bopard with your whole Obama's a killer alien from Kenya sent to murder us all crazy talk? Sick of the fact that I want to address the issues and policies that are being inacted by a house and senate which has a Democratic majority? Sick of what Wolf?
All the crazy we hate Obama talk in the world wont change the fact that both houses have a Dem majority.
I could give a rats fart about Obama. Win back the house and the senate and the guy is a lame duck President without much ability to do anything of importance concerning your taxes or whatever it is that has you angry.
Unless listening to so much Kooky Talk radio has you convinced that Barack Obama simply inacts laws on his own and puts them in place?
Here some of you guys need this...As your talk radio political educations and confused factoids will only cost us major losses in not only the critical midterms but in 2012 and the Presidency as well...Watch this please!