OK, if I have to pull out some guns here we go, hang on.
First the Birth Certificate issue is running it's course. By this point, if the Hawaii government has made statements that Obama is eligible, there's no way in heck their ever going to let the truth out now. It would be ruinous to them and the state's credibility. To say, they would be willing to vouch for a fake at this point, is plausible. Obama's stalling is working, let's face it. What makes a BC valid, is the state handing it out, and putting their seal on it. I think, they'd do it now, their in a catch 22. Obama 1 - Patriots 0
Second, MTm7 is "probably" technically correct. What he is alluding too is a series of interconnected steps, of constitutional and case law and legal definitions, that point to the need for two American citizens, to be natural born. Basically, the legal theory goes something like this.
In 1797, the english law dictionary, Law of Nations, (yes we use english legal definitions) you know how lawyers like to argue the minute meanings in law and words (what is the meaning of "is), clarified the meaning of "natural born citizen". They say, basically, you are Natural Born to your parents country. father taking precedence.
It was not clearly defined in our constitution, because it depended upon the Law of Nations clarification.
There were some court cases that reaffirmed this, on dates after the 14th amendment was created (so don't go there), but the Supreme Court has never taken the issue up, and given a true definition, in as far as I can tell.
Basically, what they are arguing is, it needs to come before the supreme court.
Here in lies the problem, if you go by the law of the land, Obama may not be legal. The problem I see with it, is people like you, a 30% of the country, would never recognize a legal decision, and just claim it was RNC trickery. Liberals want a more empathetic interpretation of the law, not actual law. So, I doubt anyone (supreme court) wants to hear the issue, fearful of the monster they may create. But, it may get raised in SCOTUS. Then what?
A lot of people believe the long form BC question is killing any chance of getting a hearing on this legal question.
I await a totally emotional response, no facts of course.