Ericbigbore said:
You're believing a lot of BS then. Hows all that hate working for you?
The hate sucks but look around buddy, were F'D!! It's not one side or the other, it's all of them!
You have zero substance to your points! You make a lame comment like you're on some intellectual and moral high ground but you can't back up anything.
How typical for an uninformed liberal sheep from Seattle..
At least Ruffy can make some great points, whether you agree with him or not, and believe it or not, I agree with him quite a bit. I'm sure I would agree with you on a lot of issues if you could make some kind of point but you have nothing but personal attacks. You've got nothing...
You think everyone on here is a hard core right winger but you are sooo wrong. I am an independent! I lean hard right on most issues especially when it comes to fiscal and personal responsibility, Immigration, the environment, gun rights, small government, liberty and justice. I lean left when it comes to organized religion or religion and politics, gay marriage, abortion, and stem cell research. So What? I agree, so the F what! Nobody here really cares as long as you bring something to the table.
At least am not afraid to say what I think when I disagree with H2 or MPS, I don't just attack them. I respect them, and
usually respectfully disagree. Ruffy, Blue Fluff, Wade, Ollie, Wolf Run, ect. They all have substance to their comments and can make you think hard about your opinions. You have nothing...
See you on the dark side - E