Speaking of Canada, this was one of the theories in the link I posted earlier. I think the bracketed numbers are page numbers for reference, but I haven't looked more deeply.
Just throwing another option into the mix.
BTW, Obama Sr. is only 1/8 African, the rest is Arabic. Hmmmm, that'd make BHO2 NOT black!
"Shortly after Dunham’s high school graduation in 1960 the family abruptly left Washington and moved to Hawaii, where she reluctantly enrolled at the University of Hawaii. (She had wanted to attend the University of Washington.) Taking his daughter with him to Hawaii was perhaps Stanley Armour Dunham’s way of keeping an eye on her. He may have been reluctant to leave her behind at the University of Washington, after at least one false pregnancy scare. At the University of Hawaii in her freshman year Dunham was described as shy and reluctant to participate in classroom discussions. Out of the classroom, she was friendly with the boys, frequently flirting and repeatedly touching them. Classmates say, “When Dunham arrived in Hawaii, she was a full-fledged radical leftist…” She also stopped using her first name Stanley at that time. [558, 564, 2291]
Knowing of her sexual reputation, Obama, Sr. supposedly told Dunham, “It’s not mine” when, in December of 1960, she informed him that she was pregnant. Obama, Sr.’s classmates knew he had a wife and children in Africa, but it has to be assumed that Dunham initially did not. She may have quickly found out, however, because Dunham left Obama, Sr. within a few weeks of her son’s birth. [564, 2287]
Dunham’s acquaintances recall that they often had difficulties knowing when she was telling the truth. One remarked, “She would make you believe anything while you were face-to-face but, a few minutes after she’d leave, you’d realize what she said wasn’t very… realistic or true,” explained one. Another friend recalls joining Dunham for dinner with her parents. Dunham tells an incredible story about a car accident. Her mother, knowing the tale was fabricated, lets her finish… and then states, “That never happened.” [564]
One Obama birth theory speculates that Dunham’s parents were disturbed by the news of the pregnancy (understandably, considering the scandal an interracial couple and an unwed pregnancy would have prompted in 1961), and likely tried to persuade her to give the child up for adoption and then claim she had miscarried. There is some speculation that Dunham left Hawaii and gave birth to Obama in Washington State (or perhaps British Columbia, Canada) at a facility for unwed mothers—and then decided to keep the baby. She then would have returned to Hawaii and registered the child’s birth there, claiming the child was born at home in Honolulu. (Had Obama been born in Washington State, Dunham would have had no need to later register his birth in Hawaii, but had he been born in Canada her doing so would have been understandable.) In August 1961, Dunham visited a friend in Seattle who had to show Dunham how to change the baby’s diaper. [564, 2655]
Almost immediately after giving birth to Obama, Dunham returns to Washington State to attend the University of Washington, leaving her infant to be cared for by her mother in Hawaii. Obama, Sr. remains at the University of Hawaii. [408]"
On his non-black heritage:
A significant and understandable fuss has been made about Obama becoming the first African-American president. Obama is arguably not, however, “African-American.” His father, Barack Obama, Sr., was purportedly one-eighth African from his mother’s side (from the Luo tribe in Kenya) and his father’s ancestry is alleged to be Arabic. To the extent that is true, Obama is “Arab-African-American.” Obama is certainly not—like many black Americans—the descendant of African slaves owned by white American slave owners. There is insufficient publicly available evidence to state with certainty the percentages of Obama’s national ancestries, but if he has Arab ancestors Obama is more likely a descendant of slave owners than slaves because for centuries Arabs traditionally owned slaves and were active slave traders. The names “Barack” and “Hussein” are of Arab origin. “Barack” comes from the Arabic “baraka,” meaning “blessed,” and “baraka” means “blessing” in Kiswahili, a common language in Africa. “Hussein,” from the Arabic “Hussayn,” is a diminutive of “Hassan,” meaning “good” or “handsome;” it is a common Muslim name.