Sorry Blue Fluff, I can see that your probably technically right. But, it will never fly. If you haven't noticed, BO is the first "special" president, and as such, he doesn't have to follow the same rules, normal presidents have to follow. He's special, and he's the anti-christ.
The only way in hell you'll have a chance of kicking BO out of office, is to prove he broke a really big law, or was really born in Kenya.
You could win a court decision, assuming you could find a judge willing to hear it, and BO would just sit in the oval office and ignore it. The senate and house would follow him, since we only have two branches of government these days.
The best you can hope for, is to force Hawaii to release the document, find dirt on BO, and use it to change the house and senate to Republican control. Where BO will be a lame duck, and hopefully be voted out, in 2012.
Sorry, I hate the lying sack of bull feces, but bull feces won't stick to BO.
Gotta get that long form birth certificate, and hope there's something on it, that embarrasses the devil.
Wade, I agree with you that it may "go away" -- Chicago politics style. (the following isn't directed at you, it's just what is happening that, for me, is mind-boggling)
I really don't care where he was born or if he even stays as president, (although it would be fun to have Biden for prez), it ain't gonna change the stuff that's going on in Congress until we start getting honest people with integrity in DC (yeah,right)
I really don't care who is right or who is wrong, it's about "what is he hiding?" in the sealed school, passport and BC info. What motivation would anyone have for hiding those records, ESPECIALLY if you are supposedly the most powerful person in the world?
But in reading the actual motions and investigative work done by the PIs and attorneys in several cases, there is a LOT that is not answered. NO ONE has satisfactorily answered the issues. Right or wrong isn't the issue to me, I want to MAKE him show us the documents that he's working so hard to hide.
I cannot for the life of me figure out how ANYone who has looked at the actual evidence in the motions and in the investigations can just roll over and let this go. If this were a conservative president, would the Left let it go? I want answers. Period.
Instead of explaining how other people born in HI have detailed copies of their BCs;
instead of explaining why the neighbor who has lived next to the address given in the birth announcement for over 50 years says no such people lived there (maybe she's senile or has an "agenda"? but prove it!);
instead of explaining why Kenyans celebrate the place of Obama's birth in Kenya (maybe they're making it up or are sentimental, but why?);
instead of explaining how an exact replica of what BO posts on his site can be replicated by any home computer in five minutes and why should we accept that as proof;
instead of explaining why on earth we just take the word of some employee in the HI records department that she's seen it;
instead of explaining WHY the time lines don't line up for when his mom was supposed to be in one place, but school records prove she was in another...
(for those of you who want proof of those statements start at the first post in this thread and read the evidence)
instead of explaining those and tons of other stuff when we KNOW this man is a deceitful, corrupt politician, who has lied on other documents, WHY is it so horrible to ask for proof?
Instead, you can tell it's a threat to the Left because they try to mock, disparage, marginalize, dismiss, name-call, etc., but they offer LAME reasons that don't hold up.
Why is it a conspiracy to demand the promised transparency?
To me, they discredit themselves when they insult my intelligence by saying "proof" has been given. It shows they are unfamiliar with the discoveries in the motions. If BO's forgery on the Net is proof, then why would they try to discredit the Kenyan copy?
The more they scream, the more I'll pursue and get the facts out. When a Daily Kos!!! poll says 58% of conservatives would like to see the sealed documents, that's not quite "fringe."
I'm an extremely careful person with what I disseminate I almost always verify. I have even DEFENDED Obama on several occasions when I get repeated emails that he's a Muslim (he may be but there is no proof of that) and when I get emails that his book quotes certain things (some is true and some is taken out of context and some is false). I tell people that it's not accurate. Fair is fair, integrity is integrity and truth is truth.
I thought people who believed in the concentration camp theories were ridiculous. I read the bill and it wasn't anything concerning.
So frankly, I dismiss the naysayers as uninformed and if they are curious or want to know or have questions wanting to be informed, I show them. Otherwise I don't waste my time.
This president flaunts the law and the constitution on a regular basis, doing whatever the Hell he wants, I'm not giving him the benefit of the doubt on this.
I want people to at least see him for what he is so they stop their slobbering and know what they are dealing with.