damn mps you either have alot of free time or you are absolutely obsesed. im not saying your wrong i actually agree with you its just insane how much research youve done. but do you really think obama will have some of his national gaurd in idaho? HELL NO!
haha....well I am surrounded by people like myself....we pass along everything we learn with each other. One of my best friends is an ex LA County deputy...and now works with me as an investigator. He and I think almost identical. Maybe I am a little obsessed and yes I do some research. I would rather be obsessed than complacent and sitting like a big ol' moose on the hillside waiting to get shot in the a$$! You are right bannock...hell will freeze over before I allow Obama's "national police" to be allowed in this state! County sheriff's have supreme power in states when it comes to LE and I will back that up!!!
Don't you know? You can only be a racist if you're white. Duh.
I hear ya bro! I am so
DAMN sick of this attitude! Every other race in this country is allowed to make racial slurs against us over and over....yet if I call out someone for being a racist I am one? ...right J-Fly? Why don't ya say something intelligent for once instead of telling me I am wrong and calling me a radical racist!
I deal with this almost daily. If I question a Native American in an investigation I am a racist....yet they can tell me I'm a pale face ******* and they are justified. 5 out of 10 times I arrest or question a hispanic or black individual I get the same thing....they play the race card on me. They know they can use it and it will be effective!
I don't know how many times I have been called a racist because I think Obama is a piece of crap! Freaking ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have worked with minorities of all types in the service and in law enforcement and I would take a bullet for all of them...well most of them! Would I take a bullet for Obama?
Hell no!!!!!!!! Why you ask? Because he spits on the Consitution, he is racist, he is evil, and he is a communist!
I was a huge advocate of Collin Powell when I thought he was going to run for president...I wanted him in office....but now that he supports Obama for his own self serving reasons he can kiss me butt!
J-Fly....come out and say something intelligent! Your gutter arguments are lame!
Here is a question. I worked with a black Air Force kid last fall. He had Obama as his background on his computer. I started a conversation with him and politely asked him why he voted for Obama. He could not give me a valid reason! Not one! How and the hell is that not racist!? To vote for someone simply because of their race!?
When was the last time you heard anyone be accused of being racist against a white person? HMMMMM??????? It happens
ALL the time and yet we accept it like we deserve it! Well I have
HAD IT!!!!!!!!!