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Are Sled Prices Getting to High?


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Dec 13, 2007
LMAO ridedoo! struck a nerve huh
Matt looks like he's learned some great work ethic. I just detected a little bit of rich kid from the get go with him, Vs a couple of the others I also enjoy watching who have been zero'd in on mountain sledding their whole lives, and didn't start out with the most top notch equipment. Rather modified what they had, entered competitions, 'blood sweat n tears' kinda thing. That's where daddy's money comment came from. Just breath, I like the guy fine, great content LOL


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Feb 8, 2010
LMAO ridedoo! struck a nerve huh
Matt looks like he's learned some great work ethic. I just detected a little bit of rich kid from the get go with him, Vs a couple of the others I also enjoy watching who have been zero'd in on mountain sledding their whole lives, and didn't start out with the most top notch equipment. Rather modified what they had, entered competitions, 'blood sweat n tears' kinda thing. That's where daddy's money comment came from. Just breath, I like the guy fine, great content LOL
Lol. Yeah. Like I said, I misunderstood part of it… but thought it was a bit odd to bring him up and make a subtle dig out of nowhere. I thoroughly enjoy youtube, I don’t even watch regular tv anymore. I have gained alot of respect for people who do youtube and content creation right… so many people suck so bad at it and are forced to “sell their souls” as beartooth put it. He simply puts out the content he wants to put out. He built a pretty cool thing from nothing. His dad maybe bought a few of his sleds growing up, but so what, good for them.

On the flipside I hear ya on the come from nothings. I’ve been Facebook friends with Caleb Kesterke since long before 99% of people knew who he was. It was awesome seeing that overweight 13-14 year old kid cobble together a mesh body kit and tube boards on his Rev with like 7k miles and go up into the backcountry by himself with a tripod, camera, and whatever spare gas he could bum off people in the parking lot. He’s blood sweat and tears all the way, and deserves everything he’s gotten. Seeing him pickup his brand new duramax highcountry was friggin cool.


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Nov 2, 2017
Roberts, MT
Matt's the guy I've watched most, but I Caleb is the energizer bunny, and really the most fun just to watch ride. I had no idea he really came up from nothing; anybody who started riding old junk as soon as they were old enough and worked that hard to get where he is gains a lot of respect from me. You can tell some people are more interested in having the newest sled and showing off, but then some would ride any old hooptie well past their prime rather than stay home, and Caleb sounds like the latter. But hey, Matt did a video last year where he rode an old Summit around for a day; that was great too.


New member
Apr 16, 2023
Sled prices are right in the ballpark, I'm not sure about all the complaints. Everyone voted for huge inflation. I just bought a KTM dirt bike for over 16k so 20 for a sled isn't far off, especially when a teenager can make 25/hour with no experience and be up to 40/hour within a year if they want to learn and work hard with no college.


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Dec 16, 2007
ranchester, wy - nashua, mn
Sleds should be 15 grand for the top of the line ridiculous machine.
Like the four stroke, digital overload dash l, Bluetooth shock, wifi steering model
Our mtn sleds should be offered as base model 10 grand and choose your up price from there.

Making YouTube videos sucks, it's very hard. It takes me entire days to get all the data in order and trimmed down to even digestible. Then have to do real editing
Mine all are crap and they take days to make
This one got a ton of views though
Just because people love failure


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Dec 13, 2007
Lol. Yeah. Like I said, I misunderstood part of it… but thought it was a bit odd to bring him up and make a subtle dig out of nowhere. I thoroughly enjoy youtube, I don’t even watch regular tv anymore. I have gained alot of respect for people who do youtube and content creation right… so many people suck so bad at it and are forced to “sell their souls” as beartooth put it. He simply puts out the content he wants to put out. He built a pretty cool thing from nothing. His dad maybe bought a few of his sleds growing up, but so what, good for them.

On the flipside I hear ya on the come from nothings. I’ve been Facebook friends with Caleb Kesterke since long before 99% of people knew who he was. It was awesome seeing that overweight 13-14 year old kid cobble together a mesh body kit and tube boards on his Rev with like 7k miles and go up into the backcountry by himself with a tripod, camera, and whatever spare gas he could bum off people in the parking lot. He’s blood sweat and tears all the way, and deserves everything he’s gotten. Seeing him pickup his brand new duramax highcountry was friggin cool.
overweight kid?! subtle dig on your Facebook friend there eh, boomer? 🤣🤣
I grew up modifying hand me down sleds, so I love me a good build type vid. also resurrection vids like vice grip garage. I like your vids too Josh! keep em comin! I should start a channel, I got a new sled to resurrect here, but I hate google too much to work for them. Not that any of these guys do but if its your main gig then you do right.

Snow Fever

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Dec 14, 2007
Wonder what the deal is with Turcotte's 9R 146 Build, Says 850 Boost on the side panels?


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Jan 23, 2019
We have become addicted to options and creature comforts with both sleds and trucks. I can build out a F-450 XLT crew cab that is $75k or the Limited trim is over $100k right off the bat. That's literally $25k in creature comforts for the same capacity truck. Same with sleds. I just built a 858 Mountain Cat loaded out for $21,000 with some accessories. Not including freight, tax, setup, or doc fees. Base model 858 at $15,800. That's $5200 in creature comforts and personal preferences.

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Wow, $300 for a skid plate! That’s pretty steep in my opinion.
Sep 1, 2011
A lot of people say Daddy’s money but I have a different theory. My son hears that Daddy’s Money a couple times a day or must be nice. It upsets me a little bit. His response is well your dad has the same 24 hours in a day as my dad, or I don’t have Daddy’s money but I have his work ethic. People that own businesses probably spoil their kids more than others. I know I do. I would rather spend time with him on the latest and greatest than no time at all. My son has been working with me since he has been 5 years old. He gets paid very well for his age but again he has picked up on a lot of things I do to make money and he does some of the same things. He has a number of followers on tik tok and instagram all of which I really don’t understand the allure of any of it. But as business owners our kids have more opportunities than most kids as we are constantly teaching them about work about selling about integrity about risk vs reward. And they absorb the information. A kid that has a dad with a normal job will normally hear how crappy his day was or what made him mad that day. These dads normally don’t take their kids to work or just can’t. Not the dad’s fault by any means but those kids are probably hanging out with their friends not working on trucks after hours, not loading trailers or running equipment everyday. There are no doubt a number of kids that do have Daddy’s money that never had to work for it. Those kids for the most part will never understand the importance of work or the satisfaction of buying stuff with their own money. In the end they are kids they will take as much as a parent will give them. My son has a nice truck which he has a loan on a snowmobile that I bought but makes payments to me. He is still in high school as well but graduating this year. In my opinion a lot of these Daddy’s money kids don’t have dads actual money but did get a 10-15 year head start over most other kids with life lessons learned early.

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Sep 1, 2011
Learning life lessons while takin' on debt to buy fancy trucks and toys. 'Merica! :cool:

Yep. Life lessons learned do I want to drive a crap box and save money to maybe one day 5-6 years from now to pay cash for a new truck and then be completely broke or take a loan out on a newer truck that I can drive for the next 5 years while building my credit to buy or build a house after my truck is paid off. My sons theory
In my opinion it’s always better to use other people money than your own. Yep it comes at a cost. You borrow money and pay intrest on that money. But what do you get for borrowing it. Nice truck to drive, build your credit have cash in the bank to buy emergency items or down payment for a house. Protection from the bank. Example of you get sued by someone it’s a lot harder for them to take it from a bank if you owe money on it since they have the lien they get paid first and the bank won’t make you sell it unless of course you haven’t paid them.

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Nov 2, 2017
Roberts, MT
The borrower is slave to the lender, and if loaning money was the path to financial success, why would the people with the money care to lend it, let alone spending billions advertising the thousands of ways you can borrow money? "You've gotta build your credit" is a stupid mantra to keep people in a debt cycle they'll probably never get out of. If you want a nice new truck, start saving now and you'll be driving a paid off new truck a decade before the guy who can't wait (and who may never own a truck that's paid for). Or, if you're like me, you keep your crap box truck going because it's been good to you and breaks down less than brand new trucks off the lot these days - plus you don't have stupid things like DEF to worry about...

Anyway, don't get me started! Oh wait... Nothing personal; it's just that I hear so much financial advice (much of which I once bought into myself) that just steers people into a path of perpetual brokeness. You do see "rich kids" who did make all their own money to buy their toys, and they do have to live with whispers that it's just "daddy's money," but most likely it started with daddy saying "I'm not giving you the money, I'm never even borrowing it to you; you want that nice truck/sled/jetpack, you go to work and earn the money." They know the "you can have it all, and you can have it now" line is a good way to stay poor no matter how much you make.


Well-known member
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Dec 13, 2007
You don’t need credit to build/buy a house.
Im teaching my daughter how to do things without debt. We still take family trips in my “crap box” tundra. 275k miles runs like a top! F*** payments, that’s looking rich not being it.


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Oct 30, 2008
Billings MT
Dave Ramsey vs. Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad)

Two schools of thought and I'm somewhere in the middle. I'm not going to wait until I can pay everything in cash to enjoy myself a little bit, but I also don't go hog wild and won't borrow money on more than one toy or vehicle at a time. Ex: I really want a new dirt bike, but not until the current sled is paid off. Also really want a new flatbed for my pickup, but not until the truck is paid for. Some people get severe anxiety over owing money on something so the 0-debt, cash method works best for them. I say do what works for you without becoming a burden on someone else.
Nov 30, 2008
Reno, NV
What's worked well for me was - save and put down at least half of whatever you intend to buy or don't get it. Whether it's a new truck or sled. Keeps payments and terms low, credit active and if you really want it, you will save for the 50% down and not go into crazy debt.
Sep 1, 2011
Dave Ramsey vs. Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad)

Two schools of thought and I'm somewhere in the middle. I'm not going to wait until I can pay everything in cash to enjoy myself a little bit, but I also don't go hog wild and won't borrow money on more than one toy or vehicle at a time. Ex: I really want a new dirt bike, but not until the current sled is paid off. Also really want a new flatbed for my pickup, but not until the truck is paid for. Some people get severe anxiety over owing money on something so the 0-debt, cash method works best for them. I say do what works for you without becoming a burden on someone else.

Here are a few things to think about. My dad who pays cash for everything had a mortgage as we were growing up. But all cars were paid for but were crap boxes. Refused to borrow money for a new car but spent money on cars that would nickel and dime him. My dad made a lot of money. Saved all his money for retirement. He got cancer when he was 45 he has been fighting it for 27 years. Has a few million in the bank. His favorite saying was if you don’t earn it you don’t deserve it.
I asked him one day would you change anything about our relationship or child hood. He looked at me with a sadness in his face something I rarely seen. He said I want you to really think about something. “When you are young you have your health and time but little money. When your middle aged you will more money, little time and old age starts creeping in your body will not allow you to do the things you did when you were younger. When you get to retirement age you will have lots of money all kinds of time but your health will be diminished not very often do you have all 3 at once. My biggest regret is teaching you kids to save and not live.
Don’t do the same to your kids. I look back on it and in my day interest was 14-17% so borrowing money costs a lot in the long run. Now it’s 8% and still expensive but I want you to think of borrowing money as entertainment when your driving a new car riding a new snowmobile or a boat what ever it may be the intrest is nothing more than an entertainment cost. If you have a truck payment for 4 years and the interest amount is $1500 over 48 months essentially your monthly entertainment cost is $32 per month plus what your insurance costs are but your going to have full coverage on a vehicle either way if you paid cash for a nice vehicle. Now add a trip with your son could you pay cash for 2 new snowmobiles when you were 40 and afford the trip. I said no. But if you go back to the entertainment factor if you borrowed the money on the sleds it’s now more affordable for you to make memories with your son.
Yes it cost you over time but if you wait as I did the trips I had hope for will not happen as I was always trying to make more money to go on trips but it stole all my time.
As your dad I really want you to consider my advice life is not promised to anyone. You can get a lot of things back in life but time is not one of them. Once time is gone you can’t go back and try and make things right.
Don’t make the mistakes I did live life now tomorrow is not promised and if the lord takes you at young age it doesn’t matter how much money you had in your bank account it’s useless to you your dead.
But the memories you had on snowmobile trips, fishing trips building muscle cars ect. Will stay etched in your son’s mind for the rest of his life. Now I want you to think about the memories we have together how many do you remember can you count them on one hand?
I honestly can’t think of that many good ones I said as you always didn’t have time or said we couldn’t afford it. My dad now says now think about all the memories you have with your son and how good they are. You spend money a little easier than I did but you’re not living for the enjoyment of life.
Retirement is not a life retirement is when your to old and frail to work. You can save money for rainy days but when you have enough to pay all your bills for a year. Go live life.
From that day forward I looked at things differently I have many memories with my son and family that I would have never had if I had not had the conversation with my dad.
I am 48 years old I have a brain tumor time is not on my side if I would have followed the pay cash for everything plan like I was thought I may not have had many memories doing fun things with my son or family at all. All the money I. The world does you no good if you’re dead or dying.

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