Nice to see some interest in this.
Yellowstone to Yukon or maybe it will become Montana National Park, Idaho National Park, Wyoming National Park, Oregon National Park, Washington National Park--that's where we're all going to be if the wilderness advocates have their way with us. Nice to see some are actually checking out the maps with this instead of brushing it off!
The SAWS chaiman has already mentioned looking at the February 09 SAWS alert about this for more information on what NREPA is all about.
It does seem like we are beating a dead horse; but this dead horse keeps rising from the ashes with the likes of people that don't even live in the states affected by this!
Here's the SAWS link again. Read it, you might come across something you've missed.
Don't stop at just contacting your own state representative(s) and senator(s). Contact everyone associated with even the thought of moving this resolution on. Hopefully, this will never make it to a House vote. HR980-Look at the house committe member list first, that's where this piece of work is sitting now. Contact everyone or send a message to the committe chairman requesting your message be provided to everyone sitting on the committe. Add a politically correct personal touch to your comments.
Members on the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands
Mr. Raúl M. Grijalva, Arizona, Chairman
Mr. Rob Bishop, Utah, Ranking Republican Member
Democrat members:
Dale E. Kildee, Michigan
Neil Abercrombie, Hawaii
Grace F. Napolitano, California
Rush D. Holt, New Jersey
Madeleine Z. Bordallo, Guam
Dan Boren, Oklahoma
Martin Heinrich, New Mexico
Peter A. DeFazio, Oregon
Maurice D. Hinchey, New York
Donna M. Christensen, Virgin Islands
Diana DeGette, Colorado
Ron Kind, Wisconsin
Lois Capps, California
Jay Inslee, Washington
Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, South Dakota
John P. Sarbanes, Maryland
Carol Shea-Porter, New Hampshire
Niki Tsongas, Massachusetts
Pedro R. Pierluisi, Puerto Rico
Nick J. Rahall, II, West Virginia
and the Republicans:
Don Young, Alaska
Elton Gallegly, California
John J. Duncan, Jr., Tennessee
Jeff Flake, Arizona
Henry E. Brown, Jr., South Carolina
Louie Gohmert, Texas
Bill Shuster, Pennsylvania
Robert J. Wittman, Virginia
Paul C. Broun, Georgia
Mike Coffman, Colorado
Cynthia M. Lummis, Wyoming
Tom McClintock, California
Doc Hastings, Washington
and don't forget, if they fail getting this passed, they have another plan knocking at the door. STAY Involved!