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Northern Rockies Protection Act at it again and this time it WILL PASS

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Wheel House Motorsports

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
reminded a few extra friends to get on this.

got any computer people who could take a list of names and adresses and input them into that and spam reps from all states?

Id be more then happy to compile a list of names and fake adresses.

the problem we face is that those of us from mountain states affected write our reps, and the f*ck tards from the east coast who have much more rep power hear nothing about it hence the idea above.
Nov 27, 2007
Farmington, MN
This would eliminate everywhere I go. This is no good.

Since I'm from MN, I e-mailed the reps and 1 Senator we have directly.

Thanks for the heads up............again..............

This new atmoshpere in DC will make the 90's and the Clintons look like they were conservatives.


Super B

Well-known member
Dec 26, 2002
Monticello, MN
This would eliminate everywhere I go. This is no good.

Since I'm from MN, I e-mailed the reps and 1 Senator we have directly.

Thanks for the heads up............again..............

This new atmoshpere in DC will make the 90's and the Clintons look like they were conservatives.


Ditto. I did the same.

I agree, this will eliminate where I ride/ridden in the past.
Feb 25, 2003
New Meadows Idaho
Well i have done what i can. I contacted My county commissioners and got them on board and they will go to our state congressional members as well as the Govenors office. I have learned that Idaho Govenor Otter is sending a letter of non support as well as our congressional members. I stepped up a notch by contacting our local ski resort to advise them there Cat Ski program as well as development oppertunties might be in jepordy. Why would anyone buy land at a resort next to a wilderness that you can't access. It's time ALL Motorized Sports users stand up to this assualt, snowmobiles,bikes,atv,cat skiers, heli skiers, white water boating we all need to send a message. STAY OUT OF OUR BUSINESS!!!!


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2007


Scott Stiegler
Staff member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 1, 1998
W Mont
Well i have done what i can. I contacted My county commissioners and got them on board and they will go to our state congressional members as well as the Govenors office. I have learned that Idaho Govenor Otter is sending a letter of non support as well as our congressional members. I stepped up a notch by contacting our local ski resort to advise them there Cat Ski program as well as development oppertunties might be in jepordy. Why would anyone buy land at a resort next to a wilderness that you can't access. It's time ALL Motorized Sports users stand up to this assualt, snowmobiles,bikes,atv,cat skiers, heli skiers, white water boating we all need to send a message. STAY OUT OF OUR BUSINESS!!!!

And tell us HOW you did that so we can ALL follow suit.
Feb 25, 2003
New Meadows Idaho
Scott: I guess I kind of have the upper hand on things like this but heres how you do it. I worked for the County for seventeen years and meet with the commission at least three times a week so you could say I am connected. Here in Adams County we are much like you guys in Mt our logging mining and ranching have all been destroyed by Eastern Enviros so the stage is set for applying STATES RIGHTS and it all starts with your county commissioners. All it should take is a phone call or get on the adgenda of one of their meetings ask them to contact your state legislators as well as your u.s. legislators then follow suit by calling your Govoners office ask for someone on the govoners staff that handles natural resource issues stay your case and ask if they are in contact with the govoners of Idaho, Wyoming, Oregon,Utah and Nevada and you could try Washington. The Govoner has staff members just waiting for your call in fact I used to take our legislative staff and the staff from the Govenors office riding every year. Ask them if they would like to join you for a ride and see first hand what the situation is. The key is ASK don't be afraid to CALL them just be polite


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2007
Here is a letter I sent to the county commissioners in Flathead and Lake counties...woudl STRONGLY suggest all of us contact county commissioners to get them to step up like the county commissioners in Wyoming have!!!

I don’t know if you have heard about this bill or not but it is being sponsored by, and has gained a good number of co-sponsors…

The goal of the plan will shut down motorized and off-highway recreation in most of the gallatin, Bridger and Crazy mountain areas in Montana…Here is a link to more information on the legislation


Here is a map showing what areas are planned to be shut down by this legislation


This would have a profound Impact on local businesses, recreationists etc. etc. It is time that we step up and say ENOUGH!!!!

Please take note of what is happening in Wyoming, they are creating a County Commission led meeting to get people to stand up against this type of thing….


We need to stand up to people telling us what to do, and how to manage our lands…please help us stop this senseless legislation!!!


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2007
Here are the emails and or contact pages for the counties most affected by this in Montana (maybe someone can get the other states for us too...)

Gallatin County commission@gallatin.mt.gov
Area impacted- (Bridgers/Taylors Fork, Buck Creek, Cabin Creek, etc.)-​

Flathead County- http://flathead.mt.gov/commissioner/contact_us.php
Areas impacted- Canyon Creek, Lost Johnny (etc.), Six Mile, Skyland, etc.​

Madison County- madco@madison.mt.gov
Area impacted- Tobacco roots, Madison drainage, etc.​
Park County- commissioners@parkcounty.org
Cooke City, Rock Creek, etc. Park County as a whole, etc.​
Missoula County- Contacts- bcc@co.missoula.mt.us
Areas impacted- Swan Valley, Bitteroot valley, etc.​
Sweetgrass County Commissioners- sgcommish@cablemt.net
Crazy Mountains​
Meagher County- clowe@meaghercounty.org
Area Impacted- Crazy Mountains​

I am sure this is not complete, but if we can get a few of these counties to step up, it will be a GREAT thing!!!
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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2001
Preston, Idaho
For all the Idaho peeps on here I just want to make sure that it got sent to the right person and I sent an e-mail to Robert L. Geddes. Let me know if it is wrong so I can get it sent to the right person.

This is just insane what people back east think that they can do that does not even effect them, just like the wolves they don't have to deal with it we do:mad:

I think that Mike Simpson is the rep for us.. http://www.house.gov/simpson/bio.shtml

I think the chain letter is an easy way out and will not hold as much water as a personaized letter... I wrote my own short letter.



Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 27, 2008
Nampa, Idaho
when i contacted mimmick's office, they told me he had not committed to one side or the other yet. I thought that was bad.

Minnick's office is right next to mine and last time I bugged them about this I understood REP. Minnick DID NOT support NREPA. I will check again tomorrow. Please continue to write your representative directly.

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2007
I might live in AK but MT is where I was born and raised. Rode alot of places in the Madison/Beaverhead area. Sent letters today and will make phone calls tomorrow.
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