Israel will pound Hamas into temporarily behaving well and then pull back. As usual, after a few months, maybe a year, the Palistinians will incite the violence again through rocket attacks or suicide bombings. What is Israel to do, but punish them? This is state sponsored terrorism.
Radical Islam is the enemy here. I've spent enough time in that part of the world to witness it myself. Instead of children learning ABC's and 123's, they learn Koran, Koran, Koran. Rational thought goes out the window and they become religious fanatics by their early teens. They're young and impressionable, have no hope for a future becuase of their non existent economies. Destruction of Israel, the west, blah, blah, blah becomes their life ambition. This train of thought is so much more prevalent in Islamic countries than the media will have you believe. While more moderate muslim countries such as Oman, UAE, etc don't produce the number of terrorists that say Iran and Syria due, they support the radical cause financially. The poor countries supply the bodies, and the wealthy ones supply the money. This culture lacks the ability to live peacefully.
I get so tired of hearing about what a peaceful religion Islam is. While it may be true that most muslims aren't terrorists, it's also true that most terrorists are muslims. This is a culture that still lives in the dark ages and I don't see that changing in my lifetime. In the mean time, Israels actions are 100% justified. The less restraint they show, and the more damage they inflict, the better. What other choice do they have?