This is my first post on this forum and have paged through this section for a while. I live in Manitoba Canada riding elevation around 800' mostly trails and ditch banging searching for any powder I can find. I picked up a '05 M7 141" with fox shocks all around. Has 120# compression, y-pipe and can and orange and white cluth springs. I wasn't able to test drive it when I bought it but it seemed like it ran good. It was what I would consider fair condition and not well maintained. I am in the process of going through it and replacing all bushings and greasing. New track +09 tunnel update +10' M seat. I have cleaned the DD and replaced the plastic magnet piece and bearings seem good. What is a good list of what else to do or check? I have spent near my limit already so the budget is tighter then a nuns cu$&. Any input would be greatly appreciated.