One more thing I should probably mention, just as a friendly reminder. We all know this, but sometimes things need to be reinforced by an experience. Be very cautious of wind loaded slopes!!! I made what was in hindsight, probably a poor choice. Thankfully things didn't go very wrong, but I experienced something I have never seen up close and personal. I climbed a hill that had a heavily windloaded section towards the top 3/4 of the hill, wasn't corniced, but I would describe it as more of a vertical running cornice. Must maybe be some troughs in the hill that blow in deep. Anyways, I shot up the hill, right through the blown in area, once I got up in this section I was losing momentum and had to cut out and sidehill through and off the blown in area. As I cut through it, I seen the snow fracture bigtime in many places, I just held it pinned and bailed off there as quick as I could safely. Thankfully nothing came down. I think we tend to take the Bighorns for granted a little since the avy danger is typically pretty minimal up there compared to some other ranges, but this experience was an eye opener.