You know the economy sucks when you have to post a want ad for riders.
I've got reservations for 4 in Cooke Sat. night the 7th-Wed. night the 11 at Skyline Guest Ranch just outside of Cooke City. I've been to Cooke 5 times and Togwotee once.(I like Cooke better) We've stayed at Skyline twice and the bed and breakfast lodge is great. Hospitality and cooking are home cooked.
My buddy and I are not experts but are better than average riders. We don't dig snow pits every morning but we do check avy advisories, wear beacons, carry shovel and probe and know how to use them. Safety is First. We don't go out there to party all night,(maybe a drink or 2 in the hot tub after dinner) or wrench on our sleds. We go to ride, usually sun up til sun down, and have a good time!
If interested pm me for more details, Jeff
I've got reservations for 4 in Cooke Sat. night the 7th-Wed. night the 11 at Skyline Guest Ranch just outside of Cooke City. I've been to Cooke 5 times and Togwotee once.(I like Cooke better) We've stayed at Skyline twice and the bed and breakfast lodge is great. Hospitality and cooking are home cooked.
My buddy and I are not experts but are better than average riders. We don't dig snow pits every morning but we do check avy advisories, wear beacons, carry shovel and probe and know how to use them. Safety is First. We don't go out there to party all night,(maybe a drink or 2 in the hot tub after dinner) or wrench on our sleds. We go to ride, usually sun up til sun down, and have a good time!
If interested pm me for more details, Jeff