Another guy and I have a trip planned for February 25 - March 2. Leaving February 25th in the morning and heading back home March 3. I have reservations in Grand Mesa Colorado & the Snowies in Wyoming - we will go to whichever place has better snow (as of now Colorado is getting good snow). Both locations where the reservations are the cabins come with full kitchens, bathroom, and 4 beds. I have not been to Grand Mesa & it has been a very long time since I have been to the Snowies. We both have mountain snowmobiles, beacons (transceiver), shovels, taken Mike Duffy's avalanche classes - I have a BCA back pack & a probe. We both like all kinds of terrain - hill climbing, meadows, trees (not my favorite lol). We had a person in the beginning that had an enclosed trailer & diesel that was going but now they cannot go. We are looking for 2 more local guys from that want to go and have access to a 4 place trailer. The other guy and I are not going out there to close the bars down every night, we are going to ride. I am not against that just saying that so you know what we are going out there to do. We are both about 30 miles south of St. Cloud Minnesota. Let me know if you have any questions.