I agree. I have lots of great friends that are in construction. I wasnt trying to knock construction. I was trying to make a point, that if your job doesnt require communication, reading, writing, computer skills, math, ect than you will be easily replaced by someone else, and your wage may not be as high. Not to be rude, but most illegals dont speak english, and dont have a basic highschool education.
I am in food service, and its definitely not for the money. I enjoy it, and it allows me to work at night and snowboard and snowmobile all day. I dont worry about an illegal taking my job because they wouldnt be able to run a million dollar a year business without speaking english, and being able to manage spreadsheets, send emails, fix computers, phones, etc. I would never hire an illegal, because that would put my business at risk. I get frustrated trying to communicate with all the illegals and legals that dont speak english and try to order pizza. I understand these are some of the poorest people on the planet, and they are just trying to make a better life. I would do the same thing for my family.