I'm on my 4th Interstate trailer with the first 3 being cargo's set up for motorcycle use. My newest is a 19' snow sport. I towed it over 400 miles this weekend and it tows great. The first 200 miles were empty on crappy roads and it tracked better than expected. With weight, it was even better. I did notice that it took a couple hundred miles before the brakes really started to grab. Break in? The finished ceiling and walls seem to brighten it up inside when the lights are on and I really like the fact that it has ceiling vents. I've added tie down hangers, a fold down work bench from TowRax.com, and removable wheel chocks (for dirt bikes) . I would like to seal the floor, but haven't decided what to use. I will probably add a heater of some kind soon.
The V-nose didn't seem to change anything as far as milage. I think the extra heighth of the snow trailer negates any advantages of the V-nose. I averaged 12.5mpg with my Cummins which is the same I was getting with my last 7x14 cargo. This is with a Bully Dog Triple Dog set on Tow/economy and running around 75mph.