Hatchers this is not the first time that you have pretended to know me. Let me just say this, you dont know me and I am certainly not a hyprocrite. I have placed my values right exactly where I want them. I go to church for my reasons and I dont ride on sunday, typically, for other reasons. I could go through all of my values and beliefs but why should I. Why dont you just worry about your own morals and Ill worry about mine. This may just be the last time I respond to you, you know the whole arguing with a ***** thing...... no one comes out looking good.
I never said i knew you, only the words you post....why does everyone reply with "you dont know me"....<----no chit dude, all in know is the BS you post.....at the end of the day you have several posts about your religion and then at times drop some bad words, i grew up going to church and have a bad taste in my mouth about those with two faces....im not really sayin you have two faces, but it sure seems that way with your posts content.....once again, i dont know you. And i could really give two chits if you reply to me, its cool dude.....i harbor no anger of internet words
Let me start out by saying.. HATCHER You sir are an idiot!!!!
If you can't tell The MEN on here are not just worried about OUR snowmachining, and land.. but the big picture.. If we let that go by the waste side what is next??
And as far as the military voting more for Osama Bin Laden... Yep I believe that, I spent multiple years with PU$$Y'S even in the military that just wanted the benefits.. When it came time to collect. They ran for the first PU$$y that would get them out of the war...
For the rest of us WE, at least I was raised to be a strong countrymen.. I fought for it I believe in it, and I will die supporting it..
Osama has no business running for Pres. let alone living in this country..
If you don't like it Fu$* OFF!!! I have earned the right to speak freely..
Dude read my post without the deer blinders, i am voting for McCain, so why tell me why i should vote for him and not Oboma....dufas
And yes, you can speak your mind......this is earned upon birth, alot of hate in the thread directed toward me, i dont mind it, hell i got a dozen PMs from folks who approve of what i have to say but at to scarid to say anything in this thread, those peolpe are another thing that is wrong with this country, say what you want and listen to others who do not beleave in what you have to say, its just that simple
hatchers, Consider this, if I say snowmobiling is important to me, and I'm voting for McCain, because he stands the best chance of protecting my sport. Don't you think there's a little more to it than that? You make it sound like all Obama has to do is promise to open wilderness area, and we'll all run out and vote for him.
Let's face it, politicians are liars.
No this is not what i think, i beleave its silly to concider the future of this sport when voting for the future of this sport, yes i understand most humans have other reasons for voting for McCain, but a toy sport should never cross the mind.....this is crazy to me.
Obama could open every hill on the planet to ride and i would not vote for him, i wont explain my reasons as they are pointless in a thread that breads bias BS
Also, my extended family lives in Bible Belt Texas and always vote Blue no matter what because they thing they are voting for religious beliefs....what a crock, sheep are what get under my spin.......and no im not some antieverything weirdo