so my next purchase is gonna be a polaris. I have two sleds right now, ones a 98 ski doo 670 and the other is a 06 summit X 800 rev. I've heard good things about the new polaris and I can't ignore that a new pro-rmk is way cheaper than a ski doo summit, not too mention its a true mountain chassis and the clutches are way better than ski doo's.
anywas, I am gonna sell the 670 in the fall and keep my rev. I want to buy a mountain sled for my trips out west that I take every year, getting up there in miles on the rev. So my question is should I get an 2012 Pro-rmk or wait and spring check a 2013? Also, since my main goal is to really only drive this thing out west, how reliable are the 800's? I am way anal when it comes to maintenance and fogging motors when they sit.
thanks for the help and looking forward to the new polaris.
so my next purchase is gonna be a polaris. I have two sleds right now, ones a 98 ski doo 670 and the other is a 06 summit X 800 rev. I've heard good things about the new polaris and I can't ignore that a new pro-rmk is way cheaper than a ski doo summit, not too mention its a true mountain chassis and the clutches are way better than ski doo's.
anywas, I am gonna sell the 670 in the fall and keep my rev. I want to buy a mountain sled for my trips out west that I take every year, getting up there in miles on the rev. So my question is should I get an 2012 Pro-rmk or wait and spring check a 2013? Also, since my main goal is to really only drive this thing out west, how reliable are the 800's? I am way anal when it comes to maintenance and fogging motors when they sit.
thanks for the help and looking forward to the new polaris.