I hope it snows soon so you silly little piss ants will have something to do besides start "mines better than yours" wars. As I said in the XP vs. Dragon thread, it comes down to individual preference and, to me, dealer support. I ride a Poo because I gave my Cat dealer a chance 3 years ago and he dissapointed me. When I asked them to please make my 07 M8 run competitively, Jeff responded by saying " just put a turbo on it." Good advise, maybe, but a guy shouldn't have to turbo a Cat to make it run with his buddy's 04 piped Rev 800 now should he. I was so pissed that I went home, loaded up the Cat and went and traded it for a new 700 RMK, which was the best sled I've ownded to date. I would love to own the 10' M8, or maybe an M10, but I get great discounts at the Poo shop and most of the time the owner drives when we go riding, and DIESEL IS NOT CHEAP. If you have to have the biggest and baddest then maybe you should re-align your priorities. But then again TO EACH HIS OWN. When all else fails, bring what you ride and put your money where your mouth is, bee-otches.
Well apparently you must enjoy these threads because you seem to chime right in when there is one You "Silly little Piss ant" And I started it just for that exact reason.
"M8 VS Dragon
Why not? We Never see this thread, Everything gets compared to the XP, Kinda tells me something
Lets hear it! "