Anybody run SLP then switch to bike man? Or vice versa. Like to hear a review from an unbiased customer.
Pray4snow... No offense but you are biased. (I've been following) I would be too had I built my kit with the close contact w the manufacturer. I do appreciate your reviews and effort so don't get the wrong impression! I've had one other independent review which gives me reason to believe bike man kits are performing in the mountains quite well. Just trying to verify.
I'm a Ronnie Reagan type of fella!
Let me tell ya, I am biased toward SLP due to their product performance and customer service and support. It's very important to me and Adam at SLP HAS DELIVERED time and time again, over the years!
Just don't wanna leave anything on the table. Cheers.
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Id like to respond to snoballsnoglory comment that my review is biased. Your certainly entitled to your opinion and thats fine and I don't take it as offensive. Like you, my opinion is just that, an opinion. Thank you for reading some of my posts, I'm guessing that you haven't read all of them or you would see all the praise Ive given other manufactures over the years. Ive looked at your posts and like you said “Let me tell ya, I am biased toward SLP”, which is also fine. "I would be too had I built my kit with the close contact w the manufacturer" which why wouldn't you have close contact with any company you're ordering parts from?? Where would you like me to start? Have I called anyone or any manufacture out? Or talked trash about them or their products? If I was biased, I would have capitalized on the other manufactures short comings on product failures and bandaids. Or others promises to have similar titanium products out before the start of the season which still haven't materialized at the end of the season. I could go on and on. However power sports performance mods are a risky business. Did I have a crystal ball that told me that I would have no problems this year? As many people see me out on the snow, everyone would know when and if my sled burnt up, pipe split, went down, towed back or anything else that would keep me from riding. Reading my past, Id would have actually expected it, its what can happen when you mod things. If anything did break or go down I would have posted it. Notice how the other manufactures on here haven't called me out? I see their personal account names reading my posts. Its because they know how many products of theirs Ive had over the years “the good, the bad and the ugly”. Ive spent a ridicules amount of money on the pursuit to go fast over the years in cars, sleds, wheelers, jet skis, trucks etc. Never, has there been a warranty from anyone of them because its a “known or expressed risk” for me (us) when I mod something. Ive failed more than Ive succeeded and they (aftermarket) are all happy to take our money with the caveat that their reputation is on the line. There are some fine companies out there, that competition is great for us the consumer. Im not brand biased ether, they each make some good products in certain platforms. I have, Pol, Cat and Doo in my garage. Buy what fits you, works for you and what you get the best deal/support from. Right now, the Axys is top in my book by far. My wife wanted a 4 stroke and Pol isn't there simple as that. Back to being “biased”, Ive ran SLP pipes, cans, heads, big bores, air boxes, porting on so many sleds I cant remember. Ive burnt up more pistons and cylinders than you can imagine as well as had great luck with their products. One example of great success is my 07 700 Pol Dragon. I ran this in the stock class with recorded times. I put on the SLP pipe & can in full view of everyone in attendance including tech inspection between rounds (use fireman gloves) to run in the improved and mod classes. These races are usually with in 10th’s of a second in each class. With this pipe I was shaving seconds off my time. When It came to the king of the hill runs I had to switch back to stock then back to the SLP (smoking hot). This ran consistent each time. Now, it wasn't just me, my friend and riding buddy’s sled went down during the race. He asked if he could run my sled too. The officials said it was ok, and like a dummy I let Johnny and he beat me on my own sled in the King runs lol. Well, he was the winningest rider up there for years so I shouldn't have felt bad. Back to the build, Ive ran Fastrax motors (union bay), porting etc, Hot seat, speedwerks, Holz and more. I Cant say anything bad about them because they have all helped me go fast failure or success. This build is only my “actual" experiences with Bikeman performance. Did the products work for me? Yes. Did I have “any” problems at all? No. Did I get excellent customer service when I had questions on the Bully dog or other things? Yes. Did others have the same experience this year with their products as me? As far as I can see yes. I didn't even put Bikeman’s name or BMP in the title of my stage tune build. I didn't know how it was going to go this year, but it went extremely well and every time I pull the throttle on my sled and that extra power rolls on….I get that stupid looking smile on my face and it reminds me of why we do this. Ive even told people where I live if they want to come ride for transparency. So, after a full season of never having to wrench on a mod’ed sled that has performed exactly the way it was advertised, I guess you could say Im happy

Im headed out riding, fresh snow last night!