That's pretty slick

I guess I gotta get one. Anyone have any real life experience with SPOT?
Hey Trinity...almost bought your last sled.....
anyway, I'm in Canada (Calgary Alberta) and after watching this story unfold on the news...and the great outcome, I wondered how I could get ahold of this guy and tell him about the spot. I bought one a few weeks ago, tested it thoroughly and it has worked flawless. It is very new, so we may not hear many great stories yet other than the recovery of a stolen bike, but i have tested the help and ok features.....100% everytime. Now I guess I don,t have to fiqure out how to reach this guy.....great story!!!!
169.99 in canada, basic plan 99.99yr, unlimited tracking with 10 minute updates is an extra 49.99yr and 100,000 s&r insurance is 7.95yr. (but does not cover forcast weather changes....and must be a US resident...I'm Canadian.
3 buttons, ok, help and 911. the ok and help is pre set up by the user to send to 5 of your reliable friends and sends a message that you set up yourself. it gives the message and your long and lat and it can go to their cell or email or both. A link to google earth attaches to the message in email so they can click the link and see your location instantly. (pm me your email and I will send you a test to check it out) the ok button will continue to transmit for 20 minutes to insure it gets through, but you only recieve one message on your cell.....the help sends a message every 5 minutes for an hour and your cell or email gets them all....keeps coming, incase the target is moving and to make sure the message gets through. the 911 goes to the international emergency center and they call local search and rescue to inform them of an emergency (do not test this function....cause they are coming) it sends every 5 minutes for 24 hrs and you can hit the button again after that.
I do not sell these......really......but $10,000 for sled.......300.00 for emergency brainer
GREAT JOB TO THE SEARCHERS!!!!!!!!!! super ending