If I knew the area better I'd be there too.... I've only been one time- Last Week. LOTS AND LOTS of area to cover...and it's SNOWING to who-laid-a-Chunk still..... Good luck Guys....
Just searched MSNBC... here is what it says about this search on their website...
In Colorado, heavy snow prevented rescuers from resuming a search Sunday for four snowmobilers missing since Friday near Cumbres Pass, elevation 10,222 feet, near the New Mexico state line. The road to the pass was blocked by several feet of snow and as much as 2 feet more was forecast by the end of the day.
“They’re all up there waiting for the weather to clear so they can begin searching,” Conejos County sheriff’s spokeswoman Maria Martinez said Sunday. According to weather service forecasts, she said, they might be waiting until Monday or later.
BUT, I know for a fact that this was as of SATurday Night.... and that a couple search groups, one from each side of the pass, were gathering to go look......