For the most part people do not like to see bickering between peole or shops.
And I agree its stupid and can be painful to watch.
The internet has become so good for many people and easy to get info for free.
That is great !!! But there are people in business who test and work their a$$es off to find fixes and performance increases and offer a product for people.
Back in the 1980's I use to buiold clutch kits that were second to non and we were out at the lake every week-end we could and there we alot of really fast people & sleds there.
Marvelous Marv Jorgenson the fastest man in the world on a snowmobile.
190 Mph back in the late 80's & early 90's.
I built clutch kits back then that would eat Marv's personal 650 Indy alive in 1000 feet year after year.
And these Clutch kits would make money for years and years to come.
Now 1 guiy buys a kit and the cameras come out and people start showing pics and giving specs and the work goes out the window.
Well scootdog, you can say what you want to say.
But I will just say this, No shop has built more 800 BB Polaris motors then Indy Specialty. Over 1400 Bottom-ends since 2001 and 3 to 5 year warranties on them depending on what package they bought.
And not one person can come on the internet and say that I didn't do exactly what I said I would.
A lawyer did not draw up my warranty ( I did ) It took only minutes.
and most of the time if the warranty is over I still go out of my way to
help my customer get back on the snow if they need help in a way no other shop does.
And there people and shops around the country that were still wetting their diapers back in the late 70's.
And alot of them could offer the public anything if it wasn't for what they learned on the internet and from other old timers that were willing to give them more then they should have then they exploit it like they are the almighty brain trust Engine Builder from heaven.
Now I don't want to see this thread go the the pot, and I will just stop and go back to work because I am way behind.
And I do not want to spend the next 3 days in class warfare. But if someone feels the need to push it so be it. I did not avertise this kit anywhere on any free forum like many shops only outlet is here.
Someone brought a link here, I did not con some other member to post it for me, or send sum people in to start trouble that are knowen to do that. That can't handle things themselves they need inside poster for buddy help.
I paid ebay full retail to list it, Its a flatlander kit not a Mountain kit. I have not tested it in the mountains so I won't sell it. Unlike sum others that start selling off solid works before a product is even designed, built, or tested.
I said on ebay that the Tornado Kit would beat any normally aspirated Big Bore built out of the small block Polaris bottom-end....... Billet cylinders or recast. ( I do not care ) I will be put up against anyones out there and I will also bet the sled on the spot. Winner takes the losers sled home.
I said it and I meant it, It won't even be a race. Big Bores
with short width crankshafts and small transfers punch good out of the hole and fall flat on their faces on the big end at sea-level.
$4800 will hands down blow a $6000 900cc Aftermarket cyl big bore of the snow or you money back. And your right scootdog I am NOT going to tell anyone whats done to it. In a short enough time the masses to start to find out some of the things that were done to build this sled. and then the profits sales will be done.
The internets a powerful thing..... If I can't back it the people will tear me to shreads.