Seeing those pics of the 383 in her prime brings a tear to my eye. . .much like she brings a pain to my crack when I have to trail ride. Since those pics and vids. . .my R&D department have up graded the rear suspension from a Yami to a Doo. . .replaced the 136X15X2 with a 144X16X2.5. . .had the polyps removed from the ports, a carb enlargement, reverse added to slow the descent, Rhino seat finally wore out and replaced with a Boss. . .the 2009 model will be sporting a new primary clutch and the annual few pop rivets and spot welds.
I am surprised that no one has ever pointed out the trick feature of having the a see through air box.
How did I miss this thread. So 383 youre not an Obama supporter are you? I dont know but those regulations sound like something a Marxist would lay out,,,, maybe its just me.... so he yeah why dont you just eliminate any sled that might smoke the sheet, or pantyhose, right off the 383kungpao special. I got another stipulation for ya,,,,, how about no rhino lined seats? later dude
Pantyhose on the air box is just fine. . .you just have to make sure the cotton panel is facing up in the right position. . .I am thinking of limiting the ride to those who have some sort of martial arts training. . .like a black belt in that kung poo stuff. . .or a level 3 Jewjitsu. . .with my ninja reflexes it would help the guys trying to follow my tracks to have these qualifications. ..