It's kinda cold there. Where are they taking it to to be refined???
I don't know. What does cold have to do with anything? Do you agree that oil production in North Dakota has increased in the last couple of years even with Obama as president?
Says you. I think we do, especially if one or more plants have issues.
Not me, says the links that I posted before. The only time there seems to be a refinery constraint issue is when a hurricane hits the gulf coast. The profit margin of refineries seems to be pretty low as well.
There are lots of good hydro spots left in the U.S. I'll bet it would be impossible to put up new hydro for all the enviros(dems)
Where? I guess the statement should be cost effective good hydro spots left. Pretty much every major river has been damned up and has a hydro plant on it. So again, list me some specific sites, otherwise, it is just "Says you" with nothing to back it up.
The ones around here were taken out because they were small and old and there is a greater benefit to people by having the river run (especially for salmon populations) than to have the small amount of power that these generate.
In a while.. but it still is one now isn't it...
B.S. If you want power everytime you flip a switch it is not. Try talking to ag folks with their wind only systems.
So because it won't work on a very small scale wind only system it won't work on the large scale either? There are plenty of people that have wind, solar, and battery systems that do just fine.. The answer is never just one technology only, but a mix of technologies. The grid can handle about a 20% penetration of wind (on an energy bases) without adding too much cost to the system nor impacting the system.
There are also many systems that use a lot of renewables, look at Hawaii. Lots of wind and solar their, and they are planning on putting in a lot more too.
Renewables are a new technology. Once people have more experience with them, it will only get better.
Heard recently that solar power is getting to be cheaper than natural gas for electricity production.. sure will be a nice addition.
I don't think it is either and never said it was, it just seems to be the dems job to try and stop it all. They are the party of the enviro-wackos.
Why haven't they stopped the oil production in the Dakota's?