You are kidding yourself once again with your blinders on act.
What exactly is wrong with tapping communications that are coming into this country from a foreign source? Do you also want the feds to stop inspecting (read tapping) shipping containers that originate outside of this country? This is what all the whining is about with regards to the patriot act.
I'm all for closing the borders and stepping up said survelience. Besides,you fools whao want to whine about this trashing of the constitution nonsense forget that there is a Supreme court that can rule on that aspect of it.
On another note, You who want top defend the demonrat party whether it be the patriot act or the Iraq war need to go back and see who voted for these things in the first place and i guarantee that there are a boatload of dems that voted for it also.
Well our Constitution pretty much addresses all of this. You might try reading it sometime.
Unlawful search and siezure? Ever heard of it?
Supreme Court is not here to write new law, they are there to interpret the current law.
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