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Obama Obama Obama

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Nov 28, 2007
I'll bite cmantle

who is this?

Lowered minimum voting age to 18

End of Draft

Foreign policy aimed at expanding will and power in opposition to imperialisms

8 hour workday

Minimum wage

Government bodies ran by workers

Reform pension system and establish age limits for hazardous work

Secular schools

Progressive Tax on Capital

This person is _____________________?


whoever said ruffryder is close......;)
Nov 28, 2007
One question, why would you want to vote for Obama? Just like how you voted for Clinton? To close more access for snowmobiling? Close more of Yellowstone National Park and national forest land so your choices are further limited? How can you love the sport of snowmobiling and choose to vote for a party representative that will in Teddy's words, "this park is for the people", eliminate more of your freedom?

You my friend are a great example of how people vote for who ever they "should" vote for. without really thinking about it


NOw how could a good conservative snowmobiler like you vote for someone who says "way to go global warming folks!"?:rolleyes::confused:
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
You my friend are a great example of how people vote for who ever they "should" vote for. without really thinking about it


NOw how could a good conservative snowmobiler like you vote for someone who says "way to go global warming folks!"?:rolleyes::confused:

That's because Obama has little position on the environment, he's gonna let Al Gore decide the whole public land / Global Climate Crisis problem. Snowmobiling has little to do with installing a socialist system. McCain on the other hand, is just misguided. Have you noticed he's changing his viewpoint on the environment every day?


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Apr 18, 2008
That's because Obama has little position on the environment, he's gonna let Al Gore decide the whole public land / Global Climate Crisis problem. Snowmobiling has little to do with installing a socialist system. McCain on the other hand, is just misguided. Have you noticed he's changing his viewpoint on the environment every day?

That is a large part of my thinking! Kudos Wade. With the actions of Clinton pertaining to Yellowstone, we(snowmobilers) suffered greatly. READ-falsified emission tests of snowmobiles in YNP. Wonder how many tons of emissions bellow through YNP during the summer? But no one says anything about this:confused: My vote is for the best candidate that will protect our freedoms as much as possible! Al Gore doesn't care about the environment, do some searching on him cmantle1. Look into George Bush's new home in Texas and compare that to one of Al Gore's! Bush should be winning a Nobel prize;)
Nov 28, 2007
That is a large part of my thinking! Kudos Wade. With the actions of Clinton pertaining to Yellowstone, we(snowmobilers) suffered greatly. READ-falsified emission tests of snowmobiles in YNP. Wonder how many tons of emissions bellow through YNP during the summer? But no one says anything about this:confused: My vote is for the best candidate that will protect our freedoms as much as possible! Al Gore doesn't care about the environment, do some searching on him cmantle1. Look into George Bush's new home in Texas and compare that to one of Al Gore's! Bush should be winning a Nobel prize;)

did i come out saying i love al gore? no. You think i do just cause i like Obama. not the case
Nov 26, 2007
Covington, WA
Due to the fact that my vote does'nt count or matter I get to write in someone every year. Who should I write in this year? Usually it's James Hetfield but I'm leaning twords Ruffy this year.. Or maybe Wade..


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Jul 20, 2004
Plainview, MN
Due to the fact that my vote does'nt count or matter I get to write in someone every year. Who should I write in this year? Usually it's James Hetfield but I'm leaning twords Ruffy this year.. Or maybe Wade..

James Hetfield...you oughta be kicked in the nuts!

Wade would be a good choice though.
Oct 3, 2005

BO will do so much for us!

Besides the expansion of the G, to watch over us - while encouraging local oversight.

I'll give you that our society as a whole is "piggish" when it comes to consumption. Perhaps we should do our best in our own homes to reduce our "foot print" a little. But

Environmental Justice :eek:

Organic & Sustainable - Makes you warm & Fuzzy but I highly doubt we'll feed this country with farmers markets.

Combat Illegal Logging Act - I guess he'll make other countries conform to our wishes.:rolleyes: Same with the rainforest. But then he will reward me for farm practices that sequester carbon. Ummm, thats what my trees and plants do, so I guess I'll be getting rewarded for it, now.

Water - He believes that the federal government has an important role to play in local communities water conservation practices. There isn't enough water for the west's "fast growing needs", but no mention of increased surface storage. I'm not saying that we should dam every river, but as a part of a comprehensive plan, there needs to be an increase in surface storage. We can't conserve our way out of this.;)

Sorry Ruffy, I won't even consider a vote for BO until he starts spouting the ways to pay for all this stuff. You read that pdf and it appears that BO is going to single handedly solve the entire environmental crisis. At least Paris Hilton has a workable plan.:D

Now cmantle and the rest of you that are thinking that the "policies" I posted earlier were things that Ruffy would like to see, ought to not be calling him a liberal. A little investigation will show the the honorable gentleman from the great state of Washington, with these "progressive" policies, is none other than the long lost grandson of Il Duce.

Thats right, your favorite lefty, commie fawk (trademark H2) is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the fascists of the world. The "policies" above are things that Benito Mussolini rallied for as he made his run at leader of Italy.

Ruffy, now that you have been outed as a right wing fascist, what say you?

Good day gentle persons!
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
Obama Fact sheet

Looks like he has quite a bit of a position.....

Yes Ruffy, he has a position paper on the environment, all presidential candidates are pretty much required to these day. Look at all the position papers Obama has. Do you actually think he sat down and wrote those? Or, do you think a group of democratic environmentalist and political ushers sat down and compromised a position paper, that spelled out what the environmentalist want and was also politically acceptable? I'm sure he's read his environmental position paper, made changes to it, and signed off on it. But, to say that this is "his" position, or that it's really important to him, is a bit of a stretch.

Transfer American Technology to the Developing World to Fight Climate Change:

Transferring and giving to "other" countries comes up a lot with this guy.

I'm sorry, I've read the whole position paper, and there's no way in hell he came up with that paper on his own. And, why does it say "Paid for by Obama for America" on the document? Did Obama pay someone to generate this document?
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Aug 14, 2002
Ruffy, now that you have been outed as a right wing fascist, what say you?

It smells on this side......PU......:p

Sorry Ruffy, I won't even consider a vote for BO until he starts spouting the ways to pay for all this stuff. You read that pdf and it appears that BO is going to single handedly solve the entire environmental crisis. At least Paris Hilton has a workable plan.:D

I don't care if you don't vote for him, I am just glad you read the position paper! :beer;
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Aug 14, 2002
But, to say that this is "his" position, or that it's really important to him, is a bit of a stretch.

Good point, and I get what you are going at. Though, doesn't that mean that he doesn't have a personal agenda with respect to the environment? I kind of like the idea of pulling resources to come up with a plan..... thought that was what a leader does.

Not having a personal agenda, I would think would allow for a better ability to compromise and come to a solution.

One note though, I think it would be interesting to see what percentage of positions/programs that presidential candidates actually are able to get implemented in there term of office. I don't think it is much as again congress has the power..... this is a republic!

Oh and to expect that he wrote and researched everything on his position is a bit too much. Again, that is not what a leader does, he needs to be knowledgeable but to assume that a president needs to be a leading expert in everything he talks about.... well come back from wonderland. I wonder how many degrees and years in school it would take to be a up to that level.
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Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
Yes ruffy, I believe he is totally open on land use, and most environmental stuff. It's just that the "advisers" he will be depending on have extreme environmental positions. The real question is how much political capital is he willing to spend on land use and environmental issues. Is he willing to start a fight, and give up something else, or roll over to get what he really wants.

My guess is that he could care less, which will unleash the subordinate dogs on us. And, Al Gore will be backstage pulling the strings. The good news, they'll only go so far before they lose Obama's backing.


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Jul 20, 2004
Plainview, MN
Water - He believes that the federal government has an important role to play in local communities water conservation practices. There isn't enough water for the west's "fast growing needs", but no mention of increased surface storage. I'm not saying that we should dam every river, but as a part of a comprehensive plan, there needs to be an increase in surface storage. We can't conserve our way out of this.

The west needs to realize,(the southwest and so cal) that they over grew and took advantage of crooked water policies....Why is it ok for desert areas to draw water from wet areas in order to maintain a life style and a false environment?

You are right we can't conserve our way out of this....the dry states need to figure out how to live with being dry...I'm not sending water from MN off to Arizona or Cali so that a farmer can grow a crop that can be grown fine back east. Nor will I send water so that some old geezer can play golf while being in the middle of some damn sand box.

But we wouldn't have a problem if people didn't try and turn a pig into a stallion.


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Jan 3, 2008
Yes Ruffy, he has a position paper on the environment, all presidential candidates are pretty much required to these day. Look at all the position papers Obama has. Do you actually think he sat down and wrote those? Or, do you think a group of democratic environmentalist and political ushers sat down and compromised a position paper, that spelled out what the environmentalist want and was also politically acceptable? But, to say that this is "his" position, or that it's really important to him, is a bit of a stretch.I'm sure he's read his environmental position paper, made changes to it, and signed off on it.
Transferring and giving to "other" countries comes up a lot with this guy.

I'm sorry, I've read the whole position paper, and there's no way in hell he came up with that paper on his own. And, why does it say "Paid for by Obama for America" on the document? Did Obama pay someone to generate this document?

because he probably read it, made some changes to it and SIGNED it, I would say that it is a dam good assumption that it is his position.
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